May 22, 2019

Are you happy?

Author: Tao Qing Hsu

According to the research, working with stupid people in the workplace is prone to heart attack. In other words, getting along with stupid people in life can easily lead to our personal emotions, angry and unhappy, because of the thoughts and behaviors of fools. More serious, it will cause our personal death.

The stupid person referred to here does not necessarily have a low IQ and a low socioeconomic status. Strictly defined, stupid people mean people who lack wisdom and knowledge. If most of the people we get along with each day are such stupid people, do you think we will be happy? If these people are family members, friends, classmates, teachers, bosses, employees, colleagues, and even politicians around us, please note that politicians are also considered. Will we be happy with them every day? The views and decisions of politicians influence our lives all the time. These politicians also include foreign figures. Their views and decisions also indirectly affect our lives. Any stupid ideas and decisions, including plausible ideas, are the cause of our unhappiness.

There are two kinds of fools, one is someone else and the other is oneself.
If you are unhappy because of the stupidity of others, it is your own stupidity. So, how to make yourself happy? First, help yourself out of stupidity. Second, help others out of stupidity.

How can I help myself out of stupidity? Learn in depth in wisdom, broad knowledge, and develop a broad-minded mind and exercise a healthy body. On this basis, we have the ability to help others out of stupidity.

If you are wise, you will not be restrained and fooled by stupid people, and you will not be angry with the thoughts and actions of stupid people, and you will not die for it. Most people are wise, and individuals are happy. Family, society, country, and the world are naturally peaceful and stable.

May 14, 2019

Good advice to the smart people

      1.      Be an open-minded person

2.     Honesty to self and others

3.     Have compassion to others

4.     Giving is more blessed than accepting

5.     No greedy in heart

6.     Forgiving others let us be free in heart

7.     No resentment and no hatred to others

8.     No infatuation with any thing and any person

9.     No jealous to others

10.  No arrogance in heart

11.  No suspicions to others without evidence

12.  Let us to be pure, clear and peaceful in heart

13.  Abandon any binary opposition

14.  No matter they are our relatives, friends or our enemies, treat everyone with equal heart

15.  Let us be like the universe to contain the all

16.  To endure any humiliation

17.  To respect others is to respect ourselves

18.  be grateful for all sentient beings in heart at every moment and do our best to feedback

19.  Be cheerful to good things done by people

20.  Be generous to others

21.  Help ourselves and others

22.  No expectation to others, the heart would be free

23.  Treat parents and others well

24.  Abandon any obsession to anything

25.  Wisdom is always more important than knowledge

26.  Meditate or do exercise every day

27.  Be independent in economic and in life

28.  Have no fear about any threaten.

29.  Refuse any lure

30.  Have the benevolence and mercy to all sentient beings.