March 10, 2020

How to Improve Stress Resistance from Learning Buddhism

Author: Tao Qing Hsu

Children's inadequate thinking ability, coupled with inadequate life experience, cannot identify the source of negative emotions of parents or family members.

In life, we are faced with many phenomena. If we do not think positively, any of our emotions and thoughts will be easily affected by the facts. In Buddhist terms, they are transferred by the facts. For example, in a family, underage children are particularly susceptible to the negative emotions of parents or other family members. When they are inexplicably scolded or bullied by their family members, they even suspect their own fault or do it themselves Not good enough. Because children's inadequate thinking ability and lack of life experience, they cannot identify the source of negative emotions of parents or family members.

If these children do not have the ability, or have never reflected on these events to identify the cause of any negative emotions in their family members, they will spend their entire lives in this tragedy and ignorance affected by the negative emotions of their families. Some people are even used by their families and don't even know it. In other words, unless they have the ability to reflect consciously, or they are fortunate to be positively directed and influenced by others, even if they are adults, even in old age, they will be restrained by this family's negative emotions.

How to observe negative emotions of family members?

How to observe negative emotions of family members? There is an observed indicator, that is, accusations and complaints. Their attitude towards things is not their own self-review, self-learning and change. Instead, they achieve their desired goals by blaming, angering, and complaining about others. And people who usually take this negative way, what their ability to do things is usually insufficient. Unfortunately, such people exist not only in the family, but also in society and the country. In fact, a country or a society is a big family.

How can we not be affected by negative events?

If a family, a society, or even a country is full of people with these negative emotions, then if these numbers are accumulated, one can imagine the misery of a family, society, and country. This usually often happens in a self-closed family, society, and country.

So how can we not be affected by negative events? In other words, how can we not be dragged by negative events? How can we not be restrained by negative events? Or, how can we not be people with such negative emotions? That is to learn Buddha well. Three Buddhist Studies: disciple, the Power of Inner Stability, and Wisdom.

Buddhism is teaching us how to live a positive life

Buddhism is telling us why we should learn the disciple, the power of inner stability, and wisdom. In other words, Buddhism is teaching us how to live a positive life. To live a positive life can make us have enough resistance to our lives when facing various negative phenomena, so that we will not be affected by any negative phenomena.

So how can we improve the resistance to negative phenomena from the study of Buddha? That is, follow the Buddha's teaching well, internalize it into your own thinking, and implement it in your life.

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