
Author: Tao Qing Hsu

The origin of creating this blog is to be grateful for the virtue of my parents to raise me. Even they have passed away, I believe that their soul would be benefited from the good influence of this blog. The soul would be eternal and might be reincarnated. They might be the readers of this blog, or the friends or relatives of the readers of this blog, or the national persons of the readers of this blog. I hope that my present-life parents, and my past-lives parents, and my future-lives parents, would always be in the path of Bodhisattva and of Buddha.

Secondly, the origin of creating this blog is to be grateful for the virtue of my teachers, especially, the masters in Buddhism who have ever taught me the Buddha-law and to cultivate me how to be a good teacher so as to let the masses benefit in their life of wisdom and benevolence. Such Masters in Buddhism include the persons who are Buddhist monk or the Buddhist nun in the history and in the present life, and those who are non monk or non nun and who are profoundly practicing the Buddha-law and already have the good achievement in Buddha-nature.

Third, it is the most important origin. I am grateful for the virtue of all Buddha. With the teaching and encourage from Buddha, I have the faith to do such things for benefit all sentient beings.

One day, I realize one thing that all of us have to die someday, but, the wisdom to enlighten us to save ourselves and others to liberate from the suffering should be continued and be passed on the next generation and the next generation. It is not easy, because the bad habits of the human beings, or any ideology which is regarded as the happiness, but in fact, would cause the heavy suffering, are so firmly dwelled on the heart, and are promoted widely on the propaganda.

There is the better choice for us to live a better life. But, are you sure that there is enough good luck for you to find it out? The Buddha had said that in the Buddhist scripture: It is hard to be a human body; it is hard to hear the Buddha-law; it is hard to be born in the middle country; it is hard to encounter a good-knowledge friend.

If you have read any article in this blog, I congratulate you that you are lucky to have a human body, and are lucky to hear the Buddha-law. If you are born in any place of ice cold or of dry desert, but you have read any article in this blog, I also congratulate you that you are lucky to have a new choice to make your spiritual and material life better. In the ancient, when people are not born in the middle country on earth, it is hard for people to hear the Buddha-law. But, in the modern time, it is not the problem for the people, because regarding the readers of this blog, which has already included the people who live in any place on earth.  

Regarding the good-knowledge friend in Buddhism, it means that a person who has the good knowledge about Buddha-law, put it into the practice, and could guide people to learn such knowledge and Buddha-law. Such persons are very few in the world and it is hard for people to encounter such persons.

In a word, the four sentences said by Buddha is to advise us, to cherish our human body so as to hear the Buddha-law and learn it well, then, we could create the good karma, and could have the chance to be born in the middle country on earth, and could have the chance to encounter a good-knowledge person to guide us to learn Buddha.

Do you know why it is better to be born in the middle country? Some monks said that the middle country means China. A lot of Buddhist Scriptures are translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the ancient. Most of the original Buddhist Scriptures in Sanskrit are destroyed by the hatred people. In the second-world war, a lot of monks are escape into Taiwan and promote the Buddha-law well. The Buddhist Scriptures are digital now in Taiwan, which you can also search in China. So, if you understand the words of traditional Chinese and are interested in learning Buddha, you would have more chance to read the Buddhist Scripture in traditional Chinese and to learn Buddha.

Now there are some Buddhist monk and nun who are promoting the translation of Buddhist Scripture from Chinese into English in Taiwan. I am not Buddhist nun, but, that is what I have done now. So, from this blog, you could find some of the Buddhist Scripture translated from Chinese into English. I am the translator and the speaker. If you have any question about it, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to response to you, but, maybe not immediately. 

You could find any articles in this blog from the lists on the title, which would be updated once in a while. Regarding the purpose of establishing this blog, you could find it on "Purpose" in the title. To learn Buddha, the basic knowledge is very important, which you could find the title “Article”. Going to the path of Bodhisattva, or of Buddha, there are two important key points to learn Buddha, that is wisdom and benevolence.

To have these two key points, it would naturally guide us to the bliss. And the bliss is also one of key points to learn Buddha. The articles as mentioned about any reason and content in Buddhism could be found in this blog. The articles in the blog are classified in Talk, Scripture, and Article. Scripture in this blog means it is the Buddhist Scripture and is translated from Chinese into English. Talk in this blog means a brief talk about any Buddhist Scripture. Article in this blog means those are not classified in Talk and Scripture. 

I recommend you to take a little time everyday to read one article from the list of Talk, Scripture or Article in the blog, or to read one article once in a while, and think of it or question it. Does it make sense? Why the Buddha had said that? What he had said is true? It would be helpful for you. We also can find any article from the label in the bottom of this blog in random.  

Finally, do you know why the Buddha does not worry about losing job and the retired fund? If you keep reading any scripture or article in the blog, you might find the answer. If you have any comment on this blog, please feel free to let me know. May you have a good day and enjoy this blog. 

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