
The following articles which you might be interested in reading.

  1. No war. Keep peace in mind.
  2. How to Deal With the People Who Are Stupid and Obsessed With Something?
  3. The Function of Soul
  4. Life and Death Are One.
  5. Evil karma would counterattack to oneself in the future.
  6. Patriotism creates barriers and binary oppositions and thus limits the thinking and creation of human beings.
  7. There is no exclusivity in the teaching of Buddha.
  8. All teachings of the Buddha have one key point, which is to save all sentient beings and help them become Buddhas.
  9. When we have completely reformed and saved ourselves, we then have the strength to reform and save others people.
  10. "Board " means "save" in Buddhism.
  11. There are four sufferings in human beings. That is the sufferings of birth, aging, disease and death.
  12. All beginning teaching of Buddha is to reform and save ourselves.
  13. The profound Buddha's teaching is beyond our general thinking.
  14. The another meaning of the good-knowledge person in Buddha's teaching.
  15. What is the good-knowledge person in Buddha's teaching?
  16. The inequality and equality are existed in the body of Emptiness at the same time.
  17. Most of the good persons could not fight for their right, because their brains are washed to be ignorant by ridiculous ideology.
  18. Evil karma would not repay to others people, but would repay to his own “life”, his “life” in the hell or in the future.
  19. For those who are vested interests, they do not have such feeling of the injustice and inequality.
  20. The equality and justice of Confucian thought is not the true equality and justice.
  21. Each one is equal to becoming Buddha someday in future.
  22. The best helpfulness is to give those who ask for help the true wisdom.
  23. If we are lucky to have knowledge, specialty, and wisdom, or we own the special resources, we should not despise those persons who are suffering in life.
  24. A story about Bodhisattva Often-not-despising
  25. If we are lucky to have knowledge, specialty, and wisdom, or we own the special resources, we should not despise those persons who are suffering in life.
  26. The best helpfulness is to give those who ask for help the true wisdom.
  27. Without ego-arrogance, we would be more empathy to the all sentient beings.
  28. The “ghost” of ego-arrogance is always in the body and most of people could not self-perceive that they might bully others because of their ego-arrogance.
  29. Why I am interested in learning Buddha?
  30. What is the difference between ego-arrogance and self-confidence? How to distinguish both of them?
  31. Even the ego-arrogant people, they are suffering in the affliction and problem by their own stupid ego-arrogance. Why?
  32. Perceiving the spiritual awakening is the Bodhi.
  33. That all doing is impermanent is a law of generating and eliminating.
  34. Planning has always not kept up with change.
  35. It is possible for us to experience the impermanent friendship.
  36. The impermanence of emotion or feeling may affect and disturb our life steps.
  37. Most of the working and career is impermanent.
  38. Observe the world, have a thought of the impermanence.
  39. Verses demonstrate whose natural wisdom is enlightened.
  40. Pinch a flower and smile. Outside of teaching, other imparting, one heart to confirm the other heart.
  41. Realizing the Buddha-nature is the important concept in learning Buddha
  42. The time and the space is zero in the concept of Buddha.
  43. The source of human beings in the concept of Buddha
  44. The "voice" from the void in Buddhism
  45. Only extensive study can help you understand Buddhism
  46. The supreme psychology is Buddha’s teaching, Buddhism.
  47. A philosophy book influenced my decision to believe in Buddhism
  48. The God for me is the Buddha; The Buddha is the God.
  49. Why wide learning and extensive researching are difficult for us?
  50. Recite and learn from Buddha to eliminate the evil karma and become one with Buddha
  51. A Brief Discussion on Morality and Law in Chinese History and about Buddhism
  52. An Enlightened Story — How To Realize The Zen Of Buddhism Easily
  53. An Enlightened Story -- I Hope I Can Send The Full Moon To You.
  54. Does the chasing for the personal great dream conflict with the Buddha’s teaching?
  55. An inspired story--to sweep garbage out of heart
  56. An Enlightened Story – The Sincere Reminder from the God of Lotus Pool (Part 1)
  57. Introspection
  58. Don't use the goodness of the people to take advantage of the people.
  59. Feelings are not real as if fantasy
  60. Meditation in Mid-autumn
  61. Don't take advantage of your children's filial piety and take advantage of your children.
  62. Theft and snatching are the causes of personal poverty.
  63. How to get rid of your own difficulties and troubles in life
  64. We can't replace anyone to live their lives.
  65. Those play with party politics, their retributions are in the three evil ways.
  66. Blessed people do not need to take advantage of others to profit.
  67. The basic introduction of the concept of Zen and how to enter the realm of Zen?
  68. The joy of Zen
  69. Mr. Dharma, the founder of and the first generation-master of Chinese Zen.
  70. How to Improve Stress Resistance from Learning Buddhism
  71. The Origin of Zen
  72. Why Zen can be developed and flourished well in the history of China, but not in India? 
  73. To self close the path of self-wealth is the result of self-injustice.
  74. Tolerate one, turn it into a thousand peace. Step back, increase the hundred blessings.
  75. The Basic Knowledge of learning Buddha (updated on 2019/07/02)
  76. The Three Treasures in Buddhism
  77. Are you happy?
  78. Good advice to the smart people
  79. Two interesting stories about Dongpo Su and zen master Fo Yin
  80. The Prayer of Pure Land
  81. The Basic Knowledge of Learning Buddha
  82. A Brief Talk About Cause And Result


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