
What is the purpose about establishing “Buddha’s Virtue & Love Widely & Universally”:

Praise and demonstrate the virtue of Buddha.
Benefit the all sentient beings.
Widely show the only way to board in the Buddha.
Universally promote all kinds of Buddha-law.
The method of achievement is the benevolence.
Virtues would have widespread in the world of Buddha-law
Assemble the power of compassion of the masses.
Prove the Bodhi together.
The virtue of Buddha is like the flowing water to spread,
Which is wide, universal and no boundary.
There is no boundary for the influence of and for the virtue of Buddha.

The master Hui Neng, the sixth founder of Zen of China in Tang Dynasty, had said a verse:

The Buddha-law is in the world,
And which would not depart from the perceiving for the world. 
To seek the Bodhi and thus departing from the world,
It is as if asking for the rabbits horns.

From this verse, we know that Buddha’s teaching would not depart from the world. In the history of or the story of Buddhism, there are a lot of Buddha and Bodhisattva who are not monk or nun. I do not use the words “layperson” as the identification for them, because, in their past life, they had ever been the great monk or nun and had established a lot of merit in their life with virtue. Such virtue and merit would not be disappeared in their next life. And they would continue to practice and achieve the Buddha-law in life, no matter what they are in the appearance.   

Secondly, the Buddha Shakyamuni is not a vegetarian and he did not ask his disciples to be vegetarian. The masses offer meals to him. He did not ask them give him only the vegetables. Why? Without the differentiating heart or mind is one of the important teachings of Buddha. It seems to violate our cognition in life. But, if you often read my article or watch my video, you would understand the meaning of without the differentiating heart or mind.

The custom of asking monk or nun to be a vegetarian is formed from and promoted by his cousin, Devadatta, and is followed by the emperor of China and the successor. Then, in the early time of China and Taiwan, the monk or nun would ask for their disciples to be vegetarians. The reason is having compassion to the animals and not to kill them. It seems reasonable. I do not have the opposition for it.

However, it makes some of them not get along well with their family, and could not merge into the society. The bias and the distinguishing from themselves and from the masses are formed. Such matters have been departed from the teaching of Buddha. Why? In a word, it is some kind of departing from the path of Bodhisattva and of Buddha. If it departs from the path of Bodhisattva and of Buddha, how could it be possible for them to achieve the Buddhahood? From often reading my article in this blog, you might understand it.  

The Buddha-law is in the world. We could not distinguish us and the world. All sentient beings have Buddha-nature. We also could not differentiate us and the all sentient beings. The Buddha-nature is the most valuable treasure in everyone. I hope you know it, could find it, could practice and achieve it. Then, you would finally find that Buddha’s virtue and love is concerned about us. It is always in our heart. I hope this blog would help you to find and see your own Buddha-nature, the most valuable treasure and the most wonderful miracle.

Please keep concern about this blog. There would be a lot of articles and videos to enrich our life. Do not forget to subscribe it. May you have a good day and early achieve the Buddhahood.

No one would be alone, because Pusa always be there with you. (Pusa is Bodhisattva)