April 30, 2020

The Merits of the Original Vows of the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight

The translator: Master Xuangzang, Buddhist monk, in Tang Dynasty of China, A.D.602-A.D.664. He accepted the emperor's order to translate this Buddhist scripture from Sanskrit into Chinese.

The modern translator: Tao Qing Hsu, Buddhist-at-home, living in Taiwan. She translates this Buddhist scripture from Chinese into English in the year of A.D. 2020.

See the last page for explanation of terms of this Buddhist scripture.

I heard it like this: some time, Bhagavan traveled in various countries, educated and enlightened all beings there, came to Vast-Solemn City, and lived under the music tree. Bhagavan was together with 8,000 Buddhist monks and 36,000 Bodhisattvas, and kings, ministers, Brahmins, Buddhists-at-home, celestial-dragons-eight-parts, humans-but-non-humans, etc. There were countless masses, those who respectfully surrounded Bhagavan. Bhagavan spoke of Buddha-law for them.

At this time, Buddhalaw-prince Manjusri, received the majestic power of the Buddha, got up from his seat, exposed his right shoulder, kneeled on the ground with his right knee, faced Bhagavan, bent his body and closed his palms, and said, "World Venerable! I hope you can speak of the names of all Buddhas of such appearances and kinds, and their rare and transcendental merits of their broad vows, so that everyone who hears can remove obstacles caused by self evil karma. It is for the sake of benefiting all sentient beings and making them peace and happiness in the spreading period of the image of Buddha."

At this time, World Venerable praised the boy Manjusri and said, "Goodness! Goodness! Manjusri! You persuade me with great compassion to ask me to talk about the names of all Buddhas and their original vows and merits. It is for the sake of removing the obstacles of the evil karma which intertwines the sentient beings, so as to benefit the sentient beings and make them peace and happiness in the spreading period of the image of Buddha. Now listen carefully! Think hard with the greatest ability! I will tell you now.”

Manjusri said: “All right, I hope you say! We are happy to hear!”

The Buddha told Manjusri: "From here to the east, after passing through the Buddha land of ten Ganges Rivers Sands, etc., there is a world named Purity Glaze, and the name of the Buddha is Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, the One who should be supported by humans and heavens, the righteous equal enlightener, the perfect person with bright wisdom and virtuous action, good death, the understanding person for the world, the supreme scholar, great man of taming, the teacher in heavens and humans, Buddha, and Bhagavan. "

"Manjusri! When the World Venerable-the Tathagat Pharmacist Glazelight, originally went on Bodhisattva path, he had his twelve vows to make all sentient beings wishes come true."

"The First Great Vow: I wish my future life, when I attain the Supreme Righteous Equality and Righteous Enlightenment, my body will be bright and ablaze, shining in countless boundless worlds, with thirty-two kinds great man’s appearances and eighty appending forms so as to make the body solemn, and let all sentient beings become the same like me."

“The Second Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, my body will be like glazed glass, which is bright and clear inside and outside, clean without any flaws and dirt. It is bright, broad and grand. The merit and virtue are lofty. The body is good at dwelling peacefully. Its flaming web is solemn more than the sun and moon. The concealed and dusky sentient beings, all can be enlightened and know about the wisdom, and do all kinds of business according to their respective wishes and interests."

"The Third Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, with boundless wisdom and convenience, so that all sentient beings can get endlessly needed and acceptable things, so that there is no shortage of anything for all beings."

"The Fourth Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if all sentient beings are going on the evil path, I will let them dwell peacefully on Bodhi path; if there are people who take the Sounds-Hearing Boat or take the Alone-Enlightened Boat, I will let them take the Great Boat so as to make them peace and settle down.”

"The Fifth Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if there are countless and boundless sentient beings, to practice the clean action in my Buddha-law, everything will make them obtain the no-shortage precepts and have the three-accumulated-precepts. If they destroy or violate any precepts, once they have heard my name, they will regain pure and clean, and do not fall into the evil-going."

"The Sixth Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if all sentient beings, their body is inferior, their all roots are not perfect, such as the ugly, stubbornly stupidity, blindness, deafness, dumbness, limb contracture, humpbacked, skin disease, madness, all kinds of sickness. After hearing my name, everything is gained the upright, perfect, clever and wise, their all roots are complete, which have no all diseases and pain."

"The Seventh Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if all the sentient beings are annoyed and approached by many diseases, and there is no salvation, no belonging, no cure, no medical treatment, no family members, no family, but poverty and a lot of suffering; once my name is passing through his ears, many diseases are eliminated. His physical and mental body is well-being. Family members, assets and living utensils can richly satisfy him, and even he can prove the supreme Bodhi."

"The Eighth Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if a woman is annoyed by the hundreds bad sufferings of a woman, and she has a great dislike for this and is willing to abandon the female’s body; once she has heard my name, everything can be transformed from female to male, to have the appearance of a man, and even she can prove the supreme Bodhi.”

"The Ninth Great Vow: I wish that I make all the sentient beings out of the entangled and entangled web of demons when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, and free all of them from the entanglement and restraint of the Outer Path; if all sentient beings deprave themselves in the forest of the various evil views, I will guide, influence and place them in the right views, and gradually make them practice and learn all the Bodhisattva’s good deeds, so that they can prove the supremacy of Bodhi as soon as possible!”

"The Tenth Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if all sentient beings are harmed by the King-Law, tied up with ropes, beaten with whips, imprisoned in prison, or deserved to be punished or executed, even suffered more kinds of innumerable disasters and insults, and they feel sad, tragic and sorrowful torture and persecution in heart, and both of their physical and mental body are in suffering; if they can hear my name, I will use my blessing, virtuous, prestige and spiritual power to make them all free from all annoyed suffering! "

"The Eleventh Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if all sentient beings are troubled by hunger and thirst, and they will do all kinds of evil karma for the sake of food; if they can hear my name, concentrate on chanting my name, understanding and perceiving it in heart, and holding it forever, I should first satisfy their body with the supremely delicious diet, and then establish it and make it peace and happiness with the taste of the Buddha-law after all."

"The 12th Great Vow: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the afterlife, if all sentient beings are in poverty and without clothes, bitten by mosquitoes and insects, feel cold in winter, feel very hot in summer, and persecuted by all these troubles, day by day and night by night; if they can hear my name, recite my name attentively, understand and perceive it in heart, and never forget it, they can get all kinds of supreme wonderful clothes, as well as all of the living utensils with the treasures and solemn, according to their preferences. Wreaths, spices, drums, musical instruments and popular skills can all come to study, watch or enjoy as they wish. All of these will make them feel satisfied."

"Manjusri! These are the twelve mysterious supreme vows made by the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, the One who should be supported by humans and heavens, and the righteous equal enlightener, while it is going in the Bodhisattva Path."

"Moreover, Manjushri! The World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, when he went in the path of Bodhisattva, his great vows and his merit and solemn of his Buddha's land, if I say it for a long, long time, I still can’t finish it. However, it is always clean in his Buddha’s land, where is no woman, evil-going, and painful sounds; glaze as a ground, gold rope as a boundary and road. City, watchtower, palace, pavilion, windowed promenade, window, light and soft net is composed of seven kinds of treasures; it is also like the Western Utmost Bliss World, the merits are solemn, and which are equivalent to each other and no difference. In this country, there are two Bodhisattva Mahasas: one is named as Sunshine-Generally, and the other one is named as Moonlight-Generally. Both of them are in the top position of those innumerable countless Bodhisattvas, are in the alternate position for the Buddha, and can understand and hold on the righteous Buddha-law treasures which are taught by the World Venerable, the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight. Therefore, Manjushri! Good men and good women, all those who are confident in this should wish to rebirth in such Buddha world."

At this time, the World Venerable also told the boy Manjushri: " Manjushri! There are all kinds of sentient beings who don't understand the good and the evil, but they have the thought of greed and stinginess. They don't know about giving and the giving-consequence. They are stupid, obsessed and without wisdom, lack of faith-root, gathered many treasures, and worked diligently to guard these treasures. When they saw a beggar come to them, they felt unhappy. If they did not receive any compensation when they gave, it was like deeply cutting the flesh of their bodies, and thus to feel painful and reluctant. There are also countless meant and greedy sentient beings to accumulate asset which can not be enjoyed by self, not to mention to give it to parents, wives, and slaves to enjoy it, and those who come to beg. These kinds of various sentient beings, after the end of their lives, are re-born in the hungry-ghost world, or in the animal path. Thanks to, in their previous humans world, they had temporarily heard the name of the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, they were now in the evil-going, and were temporarily able to recall the name of this Tathagata, therefore, in the moment what they had a thought of this, they disappeared from another place and was born again among the humans world; since that, they got a thought of fate, and were afraid of suffering in the evil-going, disliked the joy of desire, liked to give favors, gave praise to those who gave. For everything, they didn’t have the thought of greed and unwilling, and could gradually use head, eyes, hands, feet, blood, flesh, body to give to those who demand, not to mention the remaining property. "

"Moreover, Manjushri! If all sentient beings are taught and learned in the place where they should learn Tathagata, but they break the precepts; there are some of them who will not break the precepts, but they will break the rules; there are precepts and rules which will not be destroyed, but the righteous views are destroyed; although some of them does not destroy the righteous views, but they give up broad knowledge, and it is not clear to understand the deep meaning of the Buddhist scriptures; there are some of them who obtain the broad knowledge, but increase the arrogance, because the increased arrogance covers the heart, so they are in the opinion what they have done is right, but to criticize others unfairly. They despise and slander the righteous Buddha-laws, to be a devil's partner and its party member. Such a stupid person, who behaves evil opinions, and makes countless large sentient beings fall into super dangerous pits. These various sentient beings should be in hell, animals, and ghosts being endlessly circulating. If they can hear the name of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, they will be able to abandon the evil deeds, practice all kinds of good laws, and do not fall into the evil-going; suppose that there were some people who could not give up all evil deeds to practice the virtuous laws, but deprave themselves in the evil-going, this Tathagata would use the power of his original vows, to make them appear in front of him, make them temporarily hear the name. Those people would be born again in the humans after the end of life, and be able to gain positive insights and diligence, good at adjusting his own intentions, and able to give away his family, but interested in non-family. In the law of Tathagata, where they had been taught and practiced as they had learned, there were no destructors, but positive insights and broad knowledge. Meanwhile, they understood the very deep meaning, had left the increased arrogance, and no longer to slander the righteous laws, no longer to be a companion of the devil, and gradually to be able to practice all kinds of Bodhisattva’s deeds, and to achieve the perfect completeness as soon as possible. "

"Moreover, Manjushri! If all sentient beings are stingy, greedy, and jealous, they praise themselves, but slander others, they should fall into the three evils, and have suffered all kinds of severe suffering for thousands of years. At the end, come to rebirth in the world of humans, to become cattle, horses, camels and donkeys, whipped for a long time. Their heart is forced and worried by hungry and thirsty. And they often carry heavy loads, follow the road and walk. Or they are fortunately to become a human being again, born in a humble position, with a low status, to become other people's servant and maidservant, forced to be forced, enslaved and ordered by others, they can't be free for long. If in the previous human life they had heard the name of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, due to such good causes, they can now have one thought of this name and return to and rely on it with their most sincere heart, by the power of the Buddha ’s prestige, many sufferings were relieved, their all roots became clever and flexible, with wisdom and broad knowledge; they long-term ask for the special-victory Buddha-law, often encountered the virtuous friends, always cut off the devil ’s net, break and destroy the ignorant shell, exhaust the river of trouble, and free themselves from all the worry of and sorrow of life, aging, disease and death."

"Moreover, Manjushri! If all the sentient beings are doing things with the exaggerated attitude, not only like to contradict the goodwill and the good deeds, and deviate from others, but also more prefer to fight and argue with each other, and to angry and disturb themselves and others’ peaceful hearts, and to use their own bodies, words and thoughts so as to create and grow various evil actions. They are repeatedly impermanent, often do things that neither give others generously, nor give people rich interests, but plan to plot against each other. They call on the gods of mountains, trees, tombs, etc ., kill all kinds of beings, take their blood and flesh so as to sacrifice to the Medicine Fork, Rakshapo, etc .; they write the names of the people they hate, make those peoples image, curse them with evil spells, use superstitious methods to pray to ghosts or gods or use Gu tricks to bewitch or hurt others, or use spells to make ghosts of dead body sit or lie down, or order them to cut off the lives of others and destroy others bodies. All these sentient beings, if they can hear the name of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, those evil things can't hurt them. All people and things can repeatedly generate compassion, be able to benefit, comfort and rejoice others. They have neither intention of damaging or irritating others, nor the mind of disgust and resentment. They can feel joy and joy each other, have joy and satisfaction for everything they have used, and no longer infringe and bully each other, but can give each other generously and give each other a lot of interests." 

"Moreover, Manjushri! If there are four kinds of sentient beings: Buddhist monks, Buddhist nuns, Buddhist-at-home of male, Buddhist-at-home of female, and the rest of the pure-faith men, women, etc., and they are able to comprehend eight pure precepts, and never forget; or after a year, or after three months, they comprehend in heart in the place where they learned, and never forget; with such virtuous roots, they wish to rebirth in the place where Buddha Incalculable-longevity in the world of Western Utmost Bliss is located, so as to hear the righteous Buddha Law, however, have not yet made up their minds; if they hear the name of this World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and when they are facing the end of their life, there will be eight great Bodhisattvas which names are: Bodhisattva Manjushri, Bodhisattva Word-Sound-Perceiving ( to perceive the world sound), Bodhisattva Great-Power Gaining (to gain the great power), Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning, Bodhisattva Precious-Epiphyllum, Bodhisattva Medicine-King, Bodhisattva Medicine-Supreme, Bodhisattva Maitreya. These eight great Bodhisattvas came out of the air to show these beings the way to the place where this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight is located. In the world of this Tathagata, among the various variegated and precious flowers, these beings naturally change to be born without dependence and their new form is thus generated."

"There may be sentient beings born in heaven for this reason. Although they were born in heaven, and their original good roots are not exhausted, they are no longer born in various remaining evil-goings. When their life in heaven ends, they are born again in the world of humans, or become the Turning Wheel King, take control of the four continents, freedom in penalty and kindness, and settle countless thousands of sentient beings down in ten-virtuous paths; or they were born in the big family of Kshatriya, Brahman, and of Buddhist-at-home, and they are rich in wealth and treasures, and the warehouse is abundant. Their appearance is dignified and solemn. They have enough family members. They not only are smart and with wisdom, but also are brave, strong and powerful, just like a Hercules. If these sentient beings are a woman, and who can hear the name of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and can comprehend it with her most sincere heart and will never forget, after that, she will no longer get a female body. "

"Moreover, Manjushri! When this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, attained the Bodhi, due to the power of his original vows, he observed all kinds of sentient beings who suffered many diseases and pains, thinness and spasm, dry in mouth, hunger and thirst, yellow fever and other diseases; or these beings have been superstitiously prayed to the ghosts and gods to be confused or hurt, or were stabbed by the poisonous insect poison; or they were short living, or unusually dying; this Tathagata desired to eliminate these various sufferings, and to fulfill the wishes of all beings. "

 At this time, this World Venerable entered into the state of meditation, which name was called To Eliminate All Sufferings of All Beings. After the state of meditation was completed, a great light appeared in the bulge above the Buddha's head, and it spoke the great incantation (by transliteration) which said:" NA MO BAO JIA FA DI, BI SHA SHE JU LU, BI LIU LI BO LA PO HE LUO SHE YE, DA TUO JIE DUO YE, A LUO HE DI, SAN MIAO SAN BO TUO YE. DA ZHI TUO: OM, BING SHA SHI, BING SHA SHI, BING SHA SHE, SAN MEI JIE DI SUO HE.“ At this time, after the mantra was spoken in the light, the earth shook and amplified the light, and all the sickness and suffering of all sentient beings were eliminated, and they all enjoyed the happiness of peace and safe.

"Manjushri! If you see men or women suffering from diseases, you should be single mind for those patients, often bathe and rinse your mouth cleanly, use their food, medicine, or without-bacteria water to recite this mantra for 108 times on it, and then give it to those patients to eat or drink, all the pain of their disease can be eliminated. If anyone has any prayers and sincere recitation about this incantation, they can be like this without any disease and can keep their life continuously; after in the end of their life, they go to rebirth in that world and achieve the non-retreat and non-turn, even to attain Bodhi. For this reason, Manjushri! If there are men and women, in the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, with sincerity and sincere deep heart, with respect and courtesy to give anything, often to recite this incantation, don't make them discard or forget such merit."

"Moreover, Manjushri! If there are men or women with pure faith who can hear the all names of the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight-the One who should be supported by heavens and humans or the righteous equality enlightener, they can recite this name after completely hearing all of these names; they chew the teeth-cleaning wood branch in the morning, have the cleanly bathe and gargle, use flowers of various aromas, incense that can be burned, and incense that can be applied to the skin, make a variety of musical instruments and music, to support the image of this Tathagata; for this Buddhist scripture, if they can copy it with writing and recite, and if they can teach others to write and recite, they should be single minded, comprehend it, keep it in mind forever, and hear the meaning of this scripture; they should practice supporting those who speak and teach this scripture: all the tools of nurturing oneself can be given and don’t make this teacher shortage of anything; by this way, they can receive the protection, support and care from all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; any wishes can be satisfied, and even Bodhi can be attained.

At this time, boy Manjushri said to the Buddha: "World Venerable! I should have vowed in the time of propagating Buddha-law of Buddha-image, to use various conveniences to enable all kinds of pure faith good men and women to hear the name of this World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight. Even in their dreams, their ears are enlightened by the name of this Buddha. World Venerable! If there are people who can understand this Buddhist scripture, never forget and recite it; or who are able to give speeches and instructions for others about this Buddhist scripture; suppose that they can write this Buddhist scripture by self, suppose that they can teach people to write it; they respectfully respect this Buddhist scripture and the name of the Buddha, and with various floral fragrances, skin-applicable fragrances, powdery incense, combustible joss sticks, wreaths, necklaces, decorative items covered with utensils, music, so as to support this Buddhist scripture and the name of the Buddha; they use five colors of silk fabric to make a bag and put this Buddhist scripture in there; they sweep the place clean, arrange and set up a high seat, and use it to place this Buddhist scripture. At this time, the four great heavenly kings and their families, and the rest of the hundreds of thousands of heavenly people, came to visit this residence, to support and protect this Buddhist scripture and this place. World Venerable! Suppose that this Buddhist Scripture Treasure spreads widely, someone can understand it, and never forget it, then, with the merits of the original vows of the World Venerable- the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and with this name what has been heard, we should know that there is no longer any abnormal death in this place, and their spirits and souls are no longer captured by all kinds of evil ghosts and spirits; assuming that their spirits and souls have been captured, those can be restored to its original state, and their physical and mental body are peaceful and happy as before."

Buddha tells Manjushri: "That's it! That's it! That's what you said. Manjushri! Suppose those who are good men and good women with pure faith, etc., want to support the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, they should first build the statue of the Buddha, arrange the clean seat, and let the Buddha live in this place stably; spread all kinds of flowers, burn all kinds of incense, and decorate this place with various curtains; after seven days and seven nights, accept eight pure precepts, eat clean food, wash the body to be clean and fragrant, and wear clean clothes; they should have a heart free from dirt, anger, and hurt; for all sentient beings, they can generate an egalitarian heart with benefit, peace, mercy, compassion, joy, and abandoning; and then, drumming, music, singing, praising, encircling the Buddha statue from the right direction; they should also think of the merit of the original vow, read this Buddhist scripture, think its meaning, have a speech to all beings and teach them the meaning of this Buddhist scripture; following the wishes they are interested in, everything can be fulfilled: if they wish for longevity, they can get longevity; if they wish for rich, they can get rich; if they wish for official position, they can get an official position; if they wish for men or women, they will be able to get men or women."

"Suppose someone suddenly has nightmares and sees all kinds of evil phenomenon: either strange birds come to the assembly, or hundreds of monsters appear in the place of residence, if this person can use all kinds of wonderful resources-life utensils to respectfully support the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, nightmares, evil phenomenon, and various unlucky things would be hidden and disappeared, and would no longer cause harm; or suppose there are water, fire, knife, poison, danger and difficult Mountains climbing, evil elephants, lions, tigers, wolves, bears, brown bears, poisonous snakes, evil scorpions, centipedes, snails, slugs, mosquitoes, gadfly, and other kinds of fears, if someone can sincerely remember and recite this Buddha, respect and support this Buddha, it can be free from all terrors and fears; suppose there are intrusions and disturbances from other countries, and there are rebels and chaos from the robbers and thieves in the domestic country, if someone can respectfully remember and recite this Tathagata, it can be free from all the dangers."

"Moreover, Manjushri! Suppose that there are good men and good women with pure faith, and even to the end of their body form, they do not serve other gods, only have single mind to return to and rely on Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, and accept and hold the prohibitions and precepts: for example, five precepts, ten precepts, Bodhisattva has four hundred precepts, Buddhist monk has two hundred precepts, Buddhist nun has five hundred precepts; suppose that precepts which have been accepted and hold are damaged or violated, and there is the fear to fall into the evil-going, if they can concentrate on chanting the name of the Buddha, and respectfully support this Tathagata, they will certainly not undergo the birth on the three evil-goings; suppose that there is a woman who suffers greatly pain when facing the childbirth, if she can sincerely chant the name of this Buddha, and praise and respect for the merits of this Buddha, and respectfully support this Tathagata, all kinds of sufferings can be eliminated; the born child will have a full body, a dignified and upright appearance, and everyone who sees this child is happy, the nimble root of this child is clever, everything is safe and secure, there are few diseases, and there is not non-human-being to take away this child’s spirit and soul."

At this time, the World Venerable told Ananda, "It is as what I praise all the merits of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight. And it is what the extremely profound practice of all Buddhas. It is difficult for ordinary beings to understand and believe. Do you believe it or not?"

Ananda said: "Great-Virtue World Venerable! I will not have any doubts or confusion about the Buddhist scriptures said by the Tathagata. Why? All the body, speech, and spiritual karma of all the Tathagata are clean and pure. World Venerable! The wheel of sun and moon could be made to fall. The Subtle-High-Mountain-King could be overturned and shaken. There is no difference in what all the Buddha said."

"World Venerable! There are all kinds of sentient beings with insufficient of faith-roots; after hearing all the profound practices of all Buddha, they thought about this by self: why can I obtain the said merit and victory just only by chanting the name of this Buddha-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight? Owing to they did not have confidence in this, yet generate the mind to slander it, they lost great profits and joy in the long night, and depraved self into all kinds of evil-goings, where to experience the successive variations with no end!"

The Buddha told Ananda: "If all these sentient beings can hear the name of the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, sincerely accept and keep it without forgetting, without any doubt or confusion, there is no such reason to deprave self into the evil-going. "

"Ananda! This is the deepest practice of all Buddhas, it is difficult to believe and understand; which you can accept it today, you should know that it is the majestic power of the Tathagata. Ananda! All the Sounds-Hearing, Alone-Enlightened, and all the Bodhisattvas who have not yet step on land, etc., can’t truly believe and understand this, except for a Bodhisattva who is in an alternate Buddha position in whole life. Ananda! The human body is difficult to obtain; in the three treasures, those who can believe, love and respect it, it is hard to get; to hear the name of World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, it is harder more than the aforesaid.”

"Ananda! The immeasurable Bodhisattva’s practices of, the immeasurable goodwill ingenious convenience of, and immeasurable great vows of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, suppose that I can speak it widely in one eon, and suppose to be more than one eon, a eon could be ended quickly, the vows practiced by this Buddha and its goodwill ingenious convenience are never ended! "

At this time, among the crowd, there was a Bodhisattva Mahasa, whose name was Rescue-Disengage, and he got up from his seat, exposed his right shoulder, kneeled down with his right knee, bent his body to merge his palm, and told the Buddha, "Great-Virtue World Venerable! When the Buddha-law of Buddha image is spread and circulated, various beings were suffering from various hardships and disasters, they were ill, thin and weak for a long time and could not eat and drink; their throats and lips were dry; all the places they looked at were dim; the phenomenon of death appeared in front of him; parents, relatives, friends, and the knowledgeable person cried and mourned around him; however, he lay down in his original place and saw the messenger of King Yama who led his spiritual consciousness to the front of the King Yama; however, all sentient beings have the co-existed Spirit who was born with him; everything he did, whether it was sin or blessing, was recorded by the co-existed Spirit, and which are all taken to the King Yama; at this time, this King Yama interrogated this person and planned to consider everything he did, so as to judge based on his sins or blessings; at this time, the relative or knowledgeable person of the patient, if he can help this patient return to and rely on the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, please all monks and nuns to read and chant this Buddhist scripture, kindle seven layers of lights, hang spiritual flags of life-extending with five colors, there may be such an existence, his consciousness can recover to be the original clear state, as if in a dream seeing all these changes clearly, so that after 7 days, 21 days, 35 days, or 49 days, when his consciousness recovers, it is like waking up from a dream, he can recall and knowing all the good and bad karma of his own acts and such results what he has obtained; because he proves by himself to see the result of his karma, and even he suffers the disaster of life and death, he did not dare to commit all kinds of evil acts; for this reason, good men and good women with pure faith should realize and never forget the name of the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and according to the individual's ability, respectfully support this Tathagata. "

At this time, Ananda asked Bodhisattva Rescue-Disengage and said, "Good man! How should we respectfully support the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight? How can the flag and lamp that extends life be made?" The Bodhisattva Rescue-Disengage said, "Great Virtue! If there is patient who wants to disengage from the pain of the disease, we should be for this person, in seven days and seven nights to realize and maintain eight kinds of pure precepts at home; we should prepare anything according to the personal abilities with food and other daily life equipment, so as to support the Picchu monk; six hours each day and night, we worship and practice Dao so as to support the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and to read and chant this Buddhist scripture for 49 times, light 49 lamps, and create seven bodies' form of that Buddha-statue, each with 7 lamps in front of each statue; the light amount of a lamp is as large as a wheel, and even after 49 days, the light is endless; the flag made of five colors of silk fabric has a length of 49 palms, and miscellaneous beings should be released to 49 species; all of this will make this person survive from dangerous and distressing disasters, and make him not to be controlled by all kinds of unexpected evil spirits."

"Moreover, Ananda! If when Ksatriya, King Head-Watering, etc., meet the disaster beginning which is so-called: disasters of epidemic infectious diseases, disasters of invaded and persecuted by other countries, disasters of betrayed and violated within their own borders, disasters from the strange change of stars in the sky, disasters from the eclipse of sun and moon, disasters of abnormally wind and rain, and disasters of no rain more than the certain time, at this time, Ksatriya, King Head-watering, etc., should generate all compassionate hearts for all sentient beings and should pardon all kinds of captivity, and according to the method of support mentioned earlier, support the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight; because of such good roots and the power of the original vows of this Tathagata, it can make their country secure immediately, make the wind and rain meet the needs of the time, and make the planted grain ripen, all sentient beings are free from diseases, and are joyful and happy; in their country, there is no cruel and evil Medicine Fork and other gods to anger sentient beings, all evil phenomenon are hidden and disappeared; moreover, the life and energy of the Kshatriya and King Head-Watering, etc., without disease but at ease, get plus benefits. "

"Ananda! If empresses, concubines, king of reserves, princes, ministers, auxiliary ministers, eunuch, maids, hundreds of officials, and civilians, suffer from disease, and other distress and disasters, five colors of god flags should also be built, light up the lights to keep shining, release all kinds of life, scatter flowers with various colors everywhere, and burn all kinds of famous incense; diseases can be thus removed and healed, and various disasters can be disengaged. "

At this time, Ananda asked Bodhisattva Rescue-Disengage and said, "Good man! Why can people who are almost ending their lives increase their longevity?" Bodhisattva Rescue-Disengage said, "Great Virtue! Didn’t you hear that there are nine kinds of abnormal deaths? So persuade sentient beings to make life-extending flags and lamps, to practice various kinds of blisses and virtues. For this reason, even if they reach the end of their life, they will not experience pain and disease." Ananda asked, "What are the nine kinds of abnormal deaths?" Bodhisattva Rescue-Disengage said, "If all kinds of sentient beings get sick, the disease they get is mild, but there is no medicine or no person who can heal him. Suppose he meets the doctor again, but the medicine given to him cannot cure his illness; this person should not die; however, he finally died abnormally. Someone believes masters of the world ’s demons and of those who harm the society with outer Dao, who arbitrarily talk about disasters and blessings, which makes people feel terrified and disturbed; this person ’s heart is not upright, but he uses divination to ask questions, finding trouble by self and killing all beings, informing the gods, calling all kinds of elves and ghosts in the mountains, asking them to give blessings and protections, and hoping to prolong life, which is impossible to be obtained after all. People are stupid and confused, believing in the upside-down views of unjust people, so they die abnormally and enter hell without a deadline to leave; this is called the anomaly of the beginning. The second, people are abnormally killed by the king ’s law. The third, people hunt birds and beasts in the wild, played games, indulged in pornography and craved drinking, indulged in enjoyment without restraint, and their mental strength is abnormally captured by non-humans. The fourth, people are abnormally burned by fire. The fifth, people are abnormally drowned by water. The sixth, people are abnormally eaten by various evil beasts. The seventh, people abnormally fall from steep cliffs. The eighth, people abnormally are harmed by poison, witchcraft to pray ghosts, curses, ghouls, etc. The ninth, people trap by hunger and thirst, can't get food and die abnormally. This is the abnormal death as outlined above, there are these nine kinds, the rest are all kinds of immeasurable accidents, it is difficult to be able to fully specify! "

"Moreover, Ananda! The King Yama mainly leads the records of the name of and household registration of the worldly human beings. If there are sentient beings who do not respect and love or are not filial to their parents and elders, or who have five kinds of violations, or who destroy and insult Three Treasures, or who undermine the law between rulers and ministers, or who destroy the self discipline, King Yama will punish them after considering, based on lightness or severity of individual’s sin of what they have done. So for this reason, I persuade all sentient beings today to light the lights, create flags, release beings, and practice blessings and virtues, so that they can pass through pain and disaster, and no longer suffer from various disasters. "

At this time, there were twelve generals of Medicine Forks among the masses, who were sitting together in this gathering, the so-called: General Gongpiro, General Fazhero, General Meikiro, General Antiro, General Eniro, General Sandiro, General Indaro, General Boyiro, General Mohuro, General Gendarro, General Zhaoduro, General Pijiemo: these 12 generals, each of them has 7,000 Medicine Forks as his family members.

At the same time, all of them said to the Buddha, "World Venerable! Today, we accept the majestic power of Buddha, so can hear the name of the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and no more horror about evil-going. We are one after another, all in one heart, and even our body forms end, to return to and rely on Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, and vow to shoulder all the sentient beings, to do moral benefits for them, and benefit them more, and make them peace and happy. No matter what kind of villages, cities, towns, or idle forests, if anyone spreads this Buddhist scripture, or there are people who also accept and never forget the name of this Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight by respectfully supporting, we and our family members will guard and protect this person, and will relieve him of all his sufferings, and all his wishes and prayers will satisfy him. Those who are suffering and want to pray for relief from the disaster should also read and chant this Buddhist scripture and use five colors of thread to tie our names. When his wish is fulfilled, then untie this knot. " 

At this time, the World Venerable praised the generals of Medicine Fork and said, "Good! Good! Great generals of Medicine Fork! You always want to repay the kindness of the World Venerable-the Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight, and you should always be like this to benefit all sentient beings and to make them peace and happy."

At this time, Ananda said to the Buddha: "World Venerable! How should we name this method-door? How can we keep it respectfully?" The Buddha said to Ananda:”This method-door is named as The Merit of The Original Vows of The Tathagata Pharmacist Glazelight; which is also named as The Spiritual Mantra of Twelve Spiritual Generals to More Benefit Sentient Beings and of Combined With Vows; which is also named as The Removal of Obstacles of All Karma; which should be kept and maintained like this! " 

At this time, Bhagavan finished speaking these words. All Bodhisattva Mahasa, and the big Sound-Hearing, kings, ministers, Brahmins, Buddhister-at-home, celestial dragons, Medicine Forks, Gandharva, Asura, Garuḍa, Kimnara, Mahoraga, humans-but-non-humans, etc., all the masses who heard what the Buddha said, felt great joy and believed, accepted, and respectfully implemented it.

Explanation of terms of this Buddhist scripture:

Tathagata: The another name of the Buddha in Sanskrit. It means, come like this, go like this. Mind, thought or all things come and go like this. It also means the natural wisdom without any pretending.
Bhagavan: The another name of the Buddha in Sanskrit. It means World Venerable. 
The ten names of Buddha: the One who should be supported by humans and heavens, the righteous equal enlightener, the perfect person with bright wisdom and virtuous action, good death, the understanding person for the world, the supreme scholar, great man of taming, the teacher in heavens and humans, Tathagata, Bhagavan.
Glazelight: The glaze which can shine by self or shine under the light.
World Venerable: It names Bhagavan in Sanskrit. It means the person who completely has all virtue, worthy to be respected by beings in the world, so called World Venerable. The most noble saint in the world.
Buddhist-at-home: The person who learns Buddhism at home and who is not monk or nun.
celestial-dragons-eight-parts: Refers to the protectors who have the spiritual and wondrous power, also known as the eight dragon gods, the eight types of protector for protecting the Buddhists.
humans-but-non-humans: The beings who is similar to humans, but is non humans, such as there is the human head, but the horse or bird body.
Buddhalaw-prince: The prince of Buddha-law. The status of being the first among all Bodhisattvas, and which is like to be born in the home of Buddha and will inherit the status of Buddha. Buddha is as like the king, lord or monarch. That is why it is called as Buddhalaw-prince. 
Ananda: the cousin of Buddha Shakyamuni, named Ananda, was also a disciple of Buddha, and a Buddhist monk. Ananda was famous for remembering the words spoken by the Buddha. After the death of Buddha Shakyamuni, Ananda recorded what the Buddha said. At the beginning of each Buddhist scripture, there is a sentence said by Ananda: this is how I heard it. According to legend, Ananda lived to be over a hundred years old.  
Bodhi: the supreme wisdom; the righteous equality and the righteous enlightenment
karmathe action or the behavior or what have done in the present life or in the past life. No matter it is good or evil, it would be formed an invisible strength to help or hinder our life. 
obstacles of evil karma: The self obstacles and disasters caused by self evil actions of present life and past life.
Manjusri: One of the names of Bodhisattvas in Sanskrit. It means Gentle Glory. Bodhisattva Manjusri is well known about his wisdom in Buddhism. His appearance showed that he rides on a lion at ease, holding a sword in one hand and the satisfied wishful (satisfied-will) hold in the other. The sword is meant to and described to cut off the 84000 invisible tangled thread of personal worrying. 
The spreading period of the image of Buddha: The period of spreading of Buddha statue. After the death of Buddha Sakyamuni, there is five hundred years of right Buddha-law. After that, there is a period of a thousand years of Buddha Law of Buddha statue, so as to promote and spread the Buddha Law. After that, it is the last period of Buddha-law. According to the teaching of Buddha, Buddha-law can be generated and also can be eliminated. Buddha Law is convenient method to save people and liberate them from suffering. Buddha Law itself is not permanent.
The Supreme Righteous Equality and Righteous Enlightenment: Its Sanskrit is anuttarā-samyak-sambodhi. It refers to the highest realm of enlightenment and highest Nirvana in the practice of Buddhism, and such proving is equivalent to attain Buddhahood.
Bodhisattva: the person who can enlighten to liberate self from suffering and also can enlighten others and help sentient beings liberate from suffering. However, Bodhisattva has not yet completely and perfectly enlightened as Buddha. Bodhisattva also can be called as Pusa, Posa or Busa, Bosa in pronunciation by Chinese. And such pronunciation is extensively used in the society speaking in Chinese.     
Went on Bodhisattva path: to practice and implement the wisdom and virtuous action of Bodhisattva with all convenient methods.
thirty-two kinds great man’s appearances: The Sanskrit is mahā-puruṣa lakṣaṇa, which means thirty-two major marks of a Buddha. Please refer to and search mahā-puruṣa lakṣaṇa on Internet.
eighty appending forms: The Sanskrit is aśītyanuvyañjanāni, which means the eighty appearances of a Buddha. Please refer to and search aśītyanuvyañjanāni on Internet.
do all kinds of business: to do all kinds of career.
The body is good at dwelling peacefully: The body is completely perfect and it is at ease.
going in the evil path: doing the evil things.
take the Sounds-Hearing Boat: a person who is enlightened by hearing from the Buddha’s teaching and let self liberate from suffering, but has no enough ability to liberate others from suffering. It is classified as Theravada.
take the Alone-Enlightened Boat: a person who is alone enlightened without hearing the Buddha’s teaching. It can let self liberate from suffering, but has no enough ability to liberate others from suffering. It is classified as Theravada.
take the Great Boat: a person who not only can liberate self from suffering, but also can liberate others from suffering. It is classified as Mahayana.  
the no-shortage precepts: All precepts which to prevent illegal things and to stop evil things can be strictly held. 
the three-accumulated-precepts: its Sanskrit is tri-vidhani silani. It is as follows:
Hold discipline-ritual precept: obey the commandments of the Buddha, and therefore do not do all evil.
Hold virtue law precept: obey and do all virtuous things
Hold more to benefit sentient beings precept: extensively practice all good to benefit all beings
The above three precepts are the method to benefit self and others.
the evil-going: going in the evil path; the place where the self spirit or soul rebirths in the torture world of hungry-ghost, animal or hell, which is the result of doing the evil thing in its previous life.
the entangled web of demons: the evil views coming from self or others and thus to form the invisible entangled web to tie and limit the self, and to make self suffer.
Outer Path: Outer Dao. Dao or Tao. Dao is transliterated from the Chinese character. The meaning of Dao is path, road and way. And the meaning of Dao is extended to be religious teachings. Generally, according to the Buddha's teaching, Dao means the truth and the virtue. Those who set up the religious teachings outside of Buddhism, and those who act outside the truth and the reasonable, are all called the outer Dao. The more deeply meaning about the Dao in Buddhism, which means the enlightened about the truth and self-practicing the truth, others knowledge or teachings outside this is called the outer Dao. In Buddhism, Dao is wisdom, not knowledge. The most deeply meaning about the Dao in Buddhism is that there is no outer Dao. All is Buddha’s teaching. That is because there is no binary opposition in the completely and perfectly enlightened and all situations is equal, whatever it is the good or the evil situation, which will make people enlighten the self-nature.
evil karma: do the evil things in the present life or in the previous life, which will form some kinds of invisible power to hinder the self’s life and make yourself suffer all kinds of disaster. 
increased arrogance: to increase the arrogance is that people already have arrogance, and for some reason they have increased the role of arrogance, and they are even more arrogant.
non-family: to be Buddhist monk or nun; the mind is not obsessed in family’s things and its worry.
the devil ’s net: the evil views; the evil thoughts; the unreasonable opinion; specious point of view. Seem to be righteous views, but actually not righteous views.
Medicine Fork: beings in the ghost’s world in Buddhism, who have ever been the evil ghost to harm humans, but are tamed by Buddha and become the protectors to protect the Buddhist.
Rakshapo: one kind of beings in the ghost’s world in India, who is violent, evil and fearful and can harm humans with ghost's power.
Gu tricks: poisonous magic. Gu is transliterated from Chinese character, which means some kinds of tricks and is raised many different poisoned insects so as to punish, curse and harm humans.
eight pure precepts: the eight kinds of precepts regulated by Buddha and which should be obeyed and held by the Buddhist, which are as follows:
1. Not killing
2. Don't steal
3. Don't have improper (evil) sex
4. Don't lie
5. Do not drink alcohol
6. Without fragrant flowers, without fragrant oils, and without singing and dancing, and not to watch it.
7. Do not sit on the high and great bed
8. Not to eat after the time of twelve at noon
Buddha Incalculable-longevity: this Buddha has immeasurable lifespan, that is why it is called Incalculable-longevity; the another name of Amitabha.
Western Utmost Bliss: the world and place created by the vows of Amitabha. Those who wish to be reborn in Western Utmost Bliss will have the solemn appearance like Amitabha and can learn Buddha following Amitabha. It is the best convenient and simple method for humans to learn Buddha in the present life and in the afterlife.
Bodhisattva Word-Sound-Perceiving: the Bodhisattva who can perceive the world sounds of suffering; Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara
Bodhisattva Great-Power-Gaining: the Bodhisattva who can make humans gain the great power; Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta
Bodhisattva Precious-Epiphyllum: Epiphyllum is flower name, which is bloomed in the midnight and is withered at the moment, so it is rare to be seen by humans, that is why it is so precious. In Buddhism, it is always to be described that Buddha law is like Epiphyllum which is so precious and is almost impossible to be heard and learned for those who are less blessing.    
Bodhisattva Maitreya: the Bodhisattva who is mercy, kind and compassionate for all sentient beings. Maitreya is Sanskrit, which means mercy.
Turning Wheel King: the Sanskrit is cakravartin or Chakravartin. Wheel-king; A king who turns the treasures wheels to conquer the enemy; Referred to as a King of Wheels, it is the best blessed person in the world. It appeared in the time of human’s age being 84,000 years of life, and ruled the world for four great continents. There are four kinds of blessings:
1. Riches, treasures, wealth, fields and many others, ranking first in the world
2. The appearance is solemn, with thirty-two appearances and similar to a Buddha;
3. Healthy, peaceful, stable and happy;
4. The longevity is the first in the world.
When the Wheel-King appeared, the world was peaceful, the people were at ease, and there was no natural disaster or man-made disaster. This is because in the past life, it practiced more blessings, but unfortunately it did not cultivate the wisdom of world, so it only became the king who ruled the world with blessings, but could not practice the evidence of enlightenment.
ten-virtuous paths: ten kinds of virtue; ten virtuous deeds; no killing, no stealing, no evil sex, no two tongues, no malicious speech, no lying, no greed, no hatred, no envy, no stupid obsession. Please refer to the article: Understand the goodness and evil at the same time
Kshatriya: One of the four castes in India; the military aristocracy in the ancient Indian caste system; belongs to the upper class.
Brahman: One of the four castes in India; the priestly class in the caste system of ancient India is the highest position in society; belongs to the upper class.
mantra: incantation
the three treasures: Buddha, Buddha-law, Buddhist monk and nun; Buddha, Dharma, Sangha. These three treasures can help humans liberate from suffering, self prove the enlightenment of Buddha-nature, and attain the Bodhi. That is why those are called three treasures. Today, Buddhist-at-home is also respected as Sangha. There is Buddhist-at-home (of male or female) as Buddhist master, due to being enlightened of wisdom and self prove the Buddha-nature.
Bodhisattva Rescue-Disengage: the Bodhisattva who can rescue and disengage humans from any disasters or misfortune; that why it is named as Rescue-Disengage.
King Yama: a bodhisattva in the world of hell to judge the good or evil of a human being according to the acts what a human being had done in the world of humans, and thereafter judge the person which world it should go and rebirth.
respectfully support: the best respectfully support is the heart incense of pure precept, meditation stability and wisdom.
eight kinds of pure precepts: it is the same as eight pure precepts. Please see “eight pure precepts”.
Picchu monk: the male who is Buddhist-not-at-home, the Buddhist monk. It is the representative for the Buddhist. Don’t forget the female who is Buddhist-not-at-home, the Buddhist nun.  
King Head-Watering: the prince; king of reserves.
Sangha: Samgha; usually refer to Buddhist monk; the broadly meaning can refer to Buddhist, no matter who is male or female, at home or not at home.
method-door: the term used in Buddhism; the door of Buddha-law; the door of method; it seems to pass through the door of method (Buddha-law) so that we can learn something from it.
the Bodhisattva who have not yet step on land: the general people who still have been suffered in the invisible sea of pain disaster, because of shortage of wisdom, and required to be saved by the invisible boat of wisdom, that is why they have not yet step on invisible land of wisdom. The invisible wisdom land can birth everything and can birth all merits and virtue. Those who have stepped on land of wisdom have enlightened and will gradually achieve the wisdom of Buddha.

Mantra of Buddha Pharmacist:

annotation of mantra
(1) NA MO: return to and rely on  
(2) BAO JIA FA DI: Bhagavan; the World Venerable.
(3) BI SHA SHE JU LU: pharmacist.
(4) BI LIU LI: glaze.
(5) BO LA PO: The meaning of light.
(6) HE LUO SHE YE: The meaning of king.
(7) DA TUO JIE DUO YE: the meaning of Tathagata.
(8) A LUO HE DI: the One who should be supported by heavens and humans.
(9) SAN MIAO SAN BO TUO YE: the righteous equality and the righteous enlightening.
(10) DA ZHI TUO : that is to say mantra.
(11) Om: to focus on the body and mind and to the three treasures; to pay attention; that is, to concentrate the spirit and pay attention to a place.
(12) BING SHA SHI, BING SHA SHI, BING SHA SHE: That is to say, medicine! medicine! medicine!
(13) SAN MEI JIE DI: generally save all sentient beings.
(14) SUO HE: quick achievement to Bodhi.

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