June 03, 2018

The Basic Knowledge of Learning Buddha

Author: Tao Qing Hsu

1.     What is the difference between a Buddha and a Buddisattva?

When someone has totally enlightened, liberated from the suffering by the highly wisdom, and known all truth, meanwhile, has no fear in heart any more, and can also use its great power of kindness and sympathy to save all sentient beings, so as to let them liberate from the suffering in life and death, we call such person “Buddha” for honor it. In Chinese language, we call it “Fo” or "Fu", which is transliterated from Chinese word and its original language is also from Sanskrit.

When someone follows the path of Buddha, however, it has not yet completely enlightened, and still has some obstacles in heart about nuisance and what as known, even though this, it can use its power of kindness and sympathy to save  sentient beings, we call such person “Buddisattva” for honor it. In Chinese language, we call it “Pusa”, which is also transliterated from Chinese word and its original language is from Sanskrit.

There are two kinds of Buddisattva. One is Buddhist monk or nun. The other is Buddhist non-monk or non-nun. That is mentioned from The Sutra of an Upasaka’s Precepts.

“Fu” and “Pusa” are easier to recite and remember. Two of them would be also used in teaching of Buddha on this website of “Virtue & Love of Buddha Widely & Universally”.

2.     What is the teaching of Buddha?

        In a word, it is as follows:
        Not to do all evil,
        But to do all good,
        And to purify our mind by self,
This is all teachings of Buddha.

3.     What is the Buddha’s nature?

Buddha’s nature exists in everyone and all sentient beings. ”Tathagata” is another word with the same meaning as “Buddha”. In Chinese, “Tathagata” is translated to be “Rulai” which is transliterated from Chinese words. It means that it comes from no where and goes into no where. It comes as it is.

All sentient beings have the virtue coming out of “Rulai” wisdom, however, why which can not be attained, because any illusion and persistence are in their heart. If they can abandon it, all wisdom and natural wisdom will be appeared in heart immediately.

The above words are mentioned in the Buddhist Scripture. It means that all sentient beings have the Buddha’s nature.

4.     What is the Four Immeasurable Hearts?

The four immeasurable hearts are as follows:
The heart of kindness.
The heart of sympathy.
The heart of happiness.
The heart of abandonment.

It is important for us to think about the four immeasurable hearts, when we learn and practice the law or doctrine of Buddha.

5.     What is the Three Treasures?

The Three Treasures are as follows:
The Buddha, the law or the doctrine of Buddha, and the learning-Buddha persons,  who refer to any Buddhist monk and non-monk, Buddhist nun and non-nun, and who have completely understood the law or the doctrine of Buddha, and have practiced it or are practicing it.

6.     What is the law or doctrine of Buddha?

The all, including the material and spiritual world or things, is the law or doctrine of Buddha.

7.     What is the meaning of the “law door of Buddha”?

To image that, there is an invisible door, through which we can get into” the law or doctrine of Buddha”. That means, if we accept any “law door of Buddha”, we practice it. It also means the method with which we can get into the liberation. Furthermore, we can use the method to liberate others. There are many “law door of Buddha or Buddhisattva” with which it could liberate us and others. Each Buddha or Buddhisattva has its own name. For example, if someone has a name “happiness” and one day who are enlightened, then, it might be called “Buddha Happiness” or “Buddhisattva Happiness”. In generally speaking, the name of Buddha or Buddhisattva is more concern about its qualities or characters.

8.  What is the ”law door of reciting and repeating a name of Buddha ”?

By reciting and repeating a name of Buddha could concentrate our thought and mind so that it could also help us to eliminate our bad thought and any illusion. Meanwhile, we could connect with Buddha’s vows to obtain the protection by reciting and repeating their names with the title of Buddha or Buddhisattva.

9.  What is the “Zen” in Buddhism?

It is one person at the great ease and the most comfort.

10.  What is the discipline of Buddha?

In a brief, for the Buddhist non-monk or non-nun, it just needs to follow the five disciplines as below:

Not to kill others, and not to kill ourselves.
Not to steal.
Not to have sex in improperly ways. That is, do not harm yourself and not harm others, and be to respect to each other.
Not to lie.
Not to take alcohol or illegal drug.

11.  What is the Law of Cause and Result in Buddhism?

In a brief, one thought is one cause which will result in any action, and finally arise in any result. Therefor, in learning Buddha, it especially stresses that the first thought should dwell on a positive things for all sentient beings, because a good thought will result in a good action, and a good effect will be arisen in the end. Furthermore, any thought is like a monkey which jumps up and down, here and there. It means that any thought is unstable at any time. So, how to keep the thought in a stable sate in mind is also very important in learning Buddha, because it is also a cause which should be protected and not to be affected by any bad conditions from outside. Therefore, there is a word which said that: the general people fears the result, however, the “Pusa” fears the cause.

12.  What is the Six Methods for Liberation to Buddhahood?

In a brief, the six methods for liberation to Buddhahood are as follows:
Holding the discipline of Buddha.
Tolerance and endurance of humiliation.
Effort and advancement in learning Buddha.

13.  What is the pure land in the teaching of Buddha?

In a brief, when we have purified our heart, we have created our own pure land in heart at the same time.

14.  What is the advantage in learning Buddha?

It benefits us and other people.

15.  What is the Bodhi Heart?

Bodhi is transliterated from Sanskrit, and has the immeasurable meanings.
In a brief, it means the four immeasurable Hearts. Mostly, it means Buddhahood.
If we want to pursue the teaching of Buddha, we have to cultivate the Bodhi Heart in the beginning.
In generally speaking, the Bodhi Heart is a motivation to help all sentient beings to be free from all suffering.

16.  Should I bow to the sculpture of “ Fu or Pusa”?

In Asia, to bow to the sculpture of Buddha is for training our heart to be humble and respect to others. However, most general people do not understand the meaning. If you understand this meaning, it is not necessary for you to bow to the sculpture of Buddha. But, if you want to use this method to train your heart as said, it is up to you. When further thinking about it and practicing it, every one might be the “sculpture of “Fu or Pusa””. At that time, you could really get rid of the bondage in form.

17.  Should I be a vegetarian if learned Buddha?

No. It is not necessary to be a vegetarian. To be a vegetarian is not concern about compassion. However, to eat more vegetables will be good for our health and good for the earth.

18.  Should I learn the Buddha?

A great Buddhist master in ancient China had said that:

The law or doctrine of Buddha exists in the world,
And never departs from the worldly feeling.
Leaving the world to find the bodhi (supreme wisdom)
Is like to ask for rabbits horns.

In a brief, it means that nuisances and troubles are Bodhi. For the modern people, it is more convenience to learn Buddha by the modern technology, which would help us easier to understand the law or the doctrine of Buddha. To follow the path of Buddha, it is not necessary to leave the group of the world, or to be a Buddhist monk or Buddhist nun. That is, we do not need to leave our family or our country for learning Buddha. We can learn Buddha in our worldly life. The most important is to follow a good and positive teacher. There is no Buddhahood without a teacher. It means that to be Buddhahood needs a master. Whether to follow the good thing and whether to have a positive choice that is up to you.

19.  What should I do if I achieved Buddhahood someday?

If that day comes, you will know what you should do.

20.  Is a Buddha an almighty person?

No. It is not. It could not save two kinds of people to let them be free from the suffering. That is, one kind of people has no opportunity to know or to meet a Buddha. The other kind of people does not believe the teaching of a Buddha.

The further and deep teaching of Buddha will be in the course.
We welcome you to learn Buddha with us in the entity course or in the website.

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