November 23, 2018

Chapter 12 ﹝4﹞: Being able to see the scripture of Buddha is difficult.

(Chapter 12 ﹝4﹞ ) A Brief Talk about The Scripture of Forty-Two Chapters Said by Buddha 

Co-translators in the time of Eastern Han Dynasty, China(A.D. 25 - 200) : Kasyapa Matanga and Zhu Falan (Who translated the said Scripture from Sanskrit into Chinese. )
Translator in modern time (A.D.2018: Tao Qing Hsu (Who translated the said Scripture from Chinese into English.)
Teacher and writer for explaining the said Scripture: Tao Qing Hsu

Chapter 12: List the difficulties and exhort to practice   
The Buddha said,” There are twenty difficulties for people. Giving something to others is difficult when people are in poor. Learning the Dao is difficult when people are in the huge wealth and are the nobility. It is hard to the people when they must die because their lives have to be abandoned. Being able to see the scripture of Buddha is difficult. Being born in the time of Buddha is difficult. Enduring the erotic and desire is difficult. Seeing the self-interest and not to pursue it is difficult. No resentment when being humiliated is difficult. When having the authority and not to draw near to ordinary people  is difficult. When contact with things and no heart  is difficult. Learning widely and researching extensively are difficult. Removing the ego-arrogance is difficult. Not to despise the un-learner is difficult. Practicing the equality in heart is difficult. Not saying its right or wrong is difficult. Meeting the good-knowledge person is difficult. Seeing the Nature and learning the Dao are difficult. According to conditions to reform people so as to save them is difficult. Seeing the circumstance and unmoved in heart are difficult. Good at understanding the convenience is difficult.

Chapter 12 ﹝4﹞: Being able to see the scripture of Buddha is difficult.

Being able to see the Buddhist Scripture is difficult. This is the fourth difficulty said by Buddha in this chapter. We might be curious why the Buddha Sakyamuni said that?

Why it is difficult for the public to see the Buddhist Scripture?

In ancient time, most people are illiteracy, and are pressured or oppressed by living, family, society or the government. Secondly, they might be living in the time of war, and of famine. In a word, they are suffering the life and death. For them, it has been already difficult for them to survive. How could they have the mood and time to seek the Buddhist Scripture and read it, let alone to seek the wisdom? In other word, it is the groups that are lack of bliss and blessing.

Furthermore, due to the isolation and the difference of the language and of the word, the Scripture of Buddha is hardly to be translated from the Sanskrit into the other language completely, let alone to circulate in the different society or country freely. In the ancient, being able to translate the different language is not easy.

In addition, the most important is that the translators must understand the Buddhism and have put it into the practice so that they could translate the Buddhist Scripture perfectly and surely to transmit the meaning of Buddhism.  

If we want to translate the scripture of Buddha from the Sanskrit into our language, it has to take a lot of time, and need a lot of people and funding. As we know, in that time, there is no translating software.

In China of the ancient time, the translation for the Scripture of Buddha is sponsored and supported by the state, especially, in the time of Tang Dynasty. In that time, the houses and places for used in translation are set up by the government, and which could contain more than 100 persons who are responsible for the translation professionally. Those are not included the people who are responsible for the cooking, cleaning and so on.

So, we can see that the government of Tang Dynasty is very concerned about the promotion and spread of the Buddhism. In the development of Chinese history, the Buddhism has developed the Chinese characteristics and become one part of Chinese culture. Even today, such Chinese characteristics are still developed well in China and Taiwan.

Moreover, the Buddhism has transmitted into Korean and Japan since the Tang Dynasty. The Korean and Japanese Buddhist Scripture are preserved well in their country. And it also develops the Korean and Japanese characteristics of the Buddhism. In China, Korea and Japan, the development of this system is called Mahayana Buddhism. In Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Buddhism has also developed very well.

The version of hand copy might be eaten by worm, or might be destroyed by fire or by war. In the history of China, Buddhism had been destroyed twice by the different emperors. What have been destroyed includes the Scripture of Buddha. For protecting the Buddhist Scripture, some Buddhist monk began to do something, and the action was sponsored and supported by the nobility. In that time, the nobility was educated well and they have the chance and time to read the Buddhist Scripture and to understand it. Buddhist monk thus engraved the Buddhist Scriptures on the slate of stone and hidden them in the caves in deep mountain so as to avoid any destruction from the war.

At that time, in the folk, if they want to see or read the Scripture of Buddha, they have to go into the Buddhist temple or to be the Buddhist monk or nun. There are some reasons. First, it is to protect the Buddhist Scriptures and avoid to be destroyed. Secondly, it is to avoid the Buddhism being humiliated by the ignorant public.

As we know, when the public are ignorant and most of them are illiteracy, they are easy to humiliate Buddha or to destroy the Buddhist Scripture, In fact, to humiliate Buddha is equal to humiliate oneself. Buddha is not else. It refers to our heart. All sentient beings have the Buddha-nature. We are the future Buddha. 

Secondly, the printing and typography has not yet been invented and is also not developed well in that time. Third, some of the Buddhist Scripture is not allowed by Buddha to pass to those people who are lack of wisdom and virtue, because they might misused the Buddhist Scripture for seeking the personal profit. Such Buddhist Scripture is only allowed in secret to pass to those disciples who have understood the Buddha-nature. That is why Buddhist Scriptures cannot do a good circulation in the public. So, that is also why to see the Buddhist Scripture is difficult.

The translated Buddhist Scripture is protected well in China and Taiwan. Some is protected well in Korea and Japan. However, out of such districts, most of the Buddhist Scripture are destroyed by the hatred people in the war, which include the original Buddhist scripture in Sanskrit.

People must have the following reasons and conditions so that they have the opportunity to see or read the Buddhist scripture, to hear the teaching of Buddha, and to learn the Buddha.

In the scripture of Buddha, the Buddha Sakyamuni had mentioned that people must have the following reasons and conditions so that they have the opportunities to see or read the Buddhist scripture, to hear the teaching of Buddha, and to learn the Buddha.

First, we must have the deep cultivation for the roots of virtue in our present life and in our past life. That is, we have done and accumulated a lot of good karma.

Second, we have already supported countless Buddha in our past numberless life.

Third, we must have virtuous reasons and good conditions. That is, we have a root of virtue in ourselves, and itself is the virtuous reason and good condition.

Fourth, we must have the basic bliss, such as we have basic financial resources to support our life and to support the Buddha-learner; we are literacy; we could understand text, and have the basic intelligence and IQ.

Fifth, even we are illiteracy, but, we have above said reasons and conditions, we still have the opportunity to see the Buddhist scripture, to hear the teaching of Buddha, and to learn the Buddha.

Sixth, according to my observation, if people do not have the open and curious mind, it is hard for them to see the Buddhist Scripture. In other word, if we do not have above reasons and conditions, it is difficult for us to see the Buddhist Scripture, let alone to read it and learn it.

It is few that the Buddhist Scripture is translated from Chinese into English.

In the current time, the printing, typography, and internet are developed well. If we are willing to see the Buddhist Scripture with Chinese, and to read it, we are easy to find it. But, if we want to find and see the Buddhist Scripture which is translated into English, it is still some kind of difficulty for us, because the amount is few, let alone to be translated into the other language.

Due to a lot people do not have opportunity to see and read the Buddhist Scripture, they do not understand the true meaning said by Buddha, and just have heard a little from the Buddhist monk or nun. Since the Buddha’s teaching might be misinterpreted by them, the public might thus misunderstand the teaching of Buddha.

What is the Buddha’s teaching?

In fact, all the teaching of Buddha just has one key point that is to know and understand our true heart. That is to know and understand our own Buddha-nature. The rest of the points is just methods to be used how to know and understand our true heart. Then, we might have a question. What is our true heart? Which we can have a reference from the chapter 2. (Chapter 2)A Brief Talk about The Scripture of Forty-Two Chapters Said by Buddha or Let heart in peace, no fear and affliction any more (Updated on 2019/07/11)

The methods contain eighty thousand and four thousand Law-doors. The number doesn’t mean that there are really such amount methods, but means that it contains various positive methods, and it also means that the methods could be very flexible and creative.

That is why the methods being used by the Zen-master might not be understood and accepted by the public. In the ancient, sometimes, they use their shoes to hit his disciple’s head in some situation; at this moment, if their disciple arise the heart of hatred, or arise a thought of question about that, it means that they still could not find their true heart. Such method could not be used for the modern people, because the modern people are easy to have the hatred mind and sue to the court for such behavior.

Some of the methods are always mistakenly understood by the public to be the whole of Buddhism. For example, the method to chant the Amitabha. And such misunderstanding Buddhism could not be contented to their expectation or personal desire so that they might disregard, or criticize the Buddhism.

To support the translation of Buddhist Scripture could plant the root of virtue to oneself.

Let’s return to the topic. Some people are dedicated to translate the Buddhist scripture from Chinese into English by their own force. And some of those Buddhist Scripture could be found in the internet. Some of them could be read by free. However, some of them have to be paid because of the copyright.

To support the freely circulation and translation of Buddhist Scripture could plant the root of virtue to oneself. Why? That is because when we support the virtuous action of others is to support us to be a virtuous person. Such blessing and bliss would return and repay to us at any time. 

Of course, if you are interested in the Buddhism and in the translation of the Buddhist Scripture, why not to join the line to do the virtue, whatever your language is.

I am still dedicated to translate the Buddhist Scripture from Chinese into English by my own force continually. I am not just to translate it, but also to explain it, and post it on the blog to be read freely. I share those articles from time to time by free.

I sincerely hope that the public could have the opportunity to read the Buddhist Scripture with their own language by free at any time. And you are lucky and blessed, if you have read this article. 

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