August 17, 2019

Tour in Taiwan, Roaming in the valley of Guguan, hot springs, hiking in the Shaolai trail & Baxian Mountain,the Eight Immortals Mountain

Guguan is located in Taichung, and is famous for its hot springs. Guguan is also a famous valley. there is a famous trail, Shaolai Trail, for the tourist to hike. Thanks to it is a natural valley, there is a lot of natural ecology, such as Taiwanese black bear. Taiwanese black bear is the national protected animal, which number is less than 250 in the world. Taiwanese black bear only could be found in Taiwanese mountain. The white V in the chest is the famous mark for the Taiwanese black bear.  When we hike in the higher mountain of Taiwan, we should be careful for and far away from the Taiwanese black bear, because Taiwanese black bear has the aggressive.  secondly, we should be careful for the wild viper. 

There is a lot of hotels which are offered the service of hot springs. When we return to the hotel from the hiking, we could take a shower and enjoy the service of hot springs. 

This is the entrance of the Shaolai Trail.

This is the suspension bridge in the Shaolai Trail.

 This is part of the Shaolai Trail.

 This is part of the Shaolai Trail.

There are also many Taiwanese aboriginal peoples living in Guguan.  The dolls shows the traditional dresses of the Taiwanese aboriginal peoples. But, in the current factual life, their dresses and culture of life are almost the same with the general peoples. 

The doll is Taiwanese black bear. In the current factual life, it is almost hardly for us to see the wild Taiwanese black bear. 

There is a hot spring park. A lot of families come here and enjoy the hot spring. There are many little fishes in the hot spring. The fishes bite the feet of the families.

In the Tourist Visitor Center, there is a wall which introduces the famous hot springs in Taiwan and in the world. From Guguan, we can take a bus to the deeper mountain, Baxian Mountain, which is one of the National Forest Recreation Areas.

This is the entrance of Baxian Mountain, the Eight Immortals Mountain. We need to buy the ticket. The cost is used to maintain the ecological environment and other miscellaneous expenses.

It shows the earlier glutinous rice culture of the aboriginal people, and let the travelers to experience such culture. 

There are also cabins available for accommodation here.

 Peach is the specialty here.

There are a lot of birds and butterfly ecology here.

 There are also many trails to hike. 

 The Eight Immortals Mountain, Baxian Mountain, is above 2000 meters above sea level.

There is the Tourist Visitor Center, which is offered the ecological education for the children and families. 

Bus information: we can take the bus#153 from the bus station#21 in exit#6 of Taichung High Speed Railway Station. Its final station is Guguan. 

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