June 27, 2020

The basic introduction of the concept of Zen and how to enter the realm of Zen?

Author: Tao Qing Hsu

The word “Zen” is transliterated from Chinese, and is composed by two Chinese characters, which is the character "express" and "single". Therefore, the literal meaning of the Chinese character in Zen is to express single.

From the literal meaning of the Chinese word ”Zen”, we will be more easy to understand what the Zen means and enter the realm of Zen. Now we know that Zen is to express single. That is, there is no duality (no dualism). Duality here means an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something. For example, "right" and "wrong"; "good" and "evil"; "yes" or "no".

This kind of binary exists in our logic training or any life education. It has become an integral part of our lives. We can say that it has become the inertia of our lives. Such concept of dualism has kidnapped our lives and affects a lot of aspects of our lives. However, we are not alert to this.   

We all know that only one palm doesn't make a sound. Many conflicts in humans are generated from the duality. It is as if two palms to make sounds. If we realized the profound meaning of Zen, we will find that there are many ridiculous absurdities in the consciousness of human opposition, whether in dictatorship or democracy, or any religious doctrine, or any racism, because such things are always related to the dualism and its binary opposition.

However, this is only the introduction of Zen, and it has not yet to make us enter the truth of Zen. In a word, the point of Zen is to break the personal inertial thinking, to break self-attachment, to break self-obsession and there is no binary opposition in personal mind. With this basic concept, it will make it easier for us to enter the realm of Zen.

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