August 31, 2022

An Enlightened Story – The Sincere Reminder from the God of Lotus Pool (Part 1)

The source of this story: The Commentary of Great Wisdom Rescue / The Author: Bodhisattva Dragon-Tree (South Indian; 2nd century AD)

Translator-editor: Tao Qing Hsu (A Buddhist at home;Taiwan; Since AD 1971-- )


There is a Bhikkhu who moves and takes a walk complying with the practice of scripture along the poolside of lotus in the forest. He smells the aroma of lotus, feels joyful, and likes it very much. The lotus-pool spirit tells him,” Why you abandon the seat with clean Zen under the forest but steal the aroma of my lotus? All of the annoyance is arisen because of attaching the aroma.”


Then, the Bhikkhu sees a man who goes into the pool of lotus, picks a lot of lotuses, and leaves the pool of lotus after trampling and ruining it. The lotus-pool spirit keeps silence without talking.  


The Bhikkhu says to the spirit of lotus pool,” This person has spoiled your pool of lotus and takes your flowers. You do not say anything. I just walk along the poolside and you scold me that I steal your aroma.”


The lotus-pool spirit says,” A worldly evil person is often in the dirty droppings of sin. He is always without clean and without brain. I do not talk with him. You are a good person with the practice of Zen. However, you have broken your good behavior because of obsessing the aroma. That is why I scold you. Such as a black-dirty thing on a clean-white cloth, people would see it and try to clean it. An evil person is such as black ink sprinkled on black clothes, which cannot be seen by people, and who would care and ask about this person?”

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