March 18, 2023

Life and Death Are One.


Author: Tao Qing Hsu (Hsu, Tao-qing) 


To understand above would increase our wisdom. Then, we might have one question. When people must die because of their lives being abandoned, how to let it not be difficult for them?


As we know, we are afraid of dying, especially, when we are told that we have serious disease, such as cancer. Some of people are unwilling to die, when they have known that they have cancer and might have to die in less than half year from knowing the cancer. Unfortunately, they finally have to die; even they have spent a lot of money to cure their disease. Under the circumstance, it is hard to them, when they must die because their lives have to be abandoned.


A lot of people could not accept and face their disease and death with peaceful mind. So, they feel angry, despair, and depressed. They are suffering the life and death, and struggling in there. Finally, once they could not stand or bear the suffering or pain any more, they choose to suicide or euthanasia. 


However, if they have the concept that life is equal to death, and death is equal to life, the realm of their heart would be different. The meaning that life is equal to death is also meant to that life and death are one. Such concept is hard to be understood.

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