July 28, 2020

How to get rid of your own difficulties and troubles in life

Author: Tao Qing Hsu

People may face serious life difficulties and troubles at a certain stage in their life, and the life difficulties and troubles faced by everyone are not necessarily the same, because everyone’s fate, the people and things they face, the environment, and their circumstances are different. Secondly, everyone's personality, thoughts, attitudes and endurance of facing people and things are different. This will affect the degree to which we perceive the difficulties and troubles we face in life.

And some unsatisfactory general environment is difficult to change by our current personal ability, but this does not affect us to use our own strength to change ourselves and free ourselves from the quagmire of difficulties.

When we are faced with difficulties and troubles in life, we should analyze carefully, which has other and self-caused parts. "Other cause" means that the factors that cause our difficulties and troubles in life come from other people or external factors, and "self-cause" means that this factor comes from ourselves or internal factors. When most people face difficulties and troubles in life, their first reaction is to blame others. They only think of "other causes," but they can't review themselves. They just can't think of self-causes.

Buddhism is the education of cause and effect. When we are faced with difficulties and troubles in life, this is our own retribution. How to change or eliminate this retribution, we must go back to the part of the cause, carefully examine the cause, and list it one by one. Review, and then completely reverse this cause. As long as this bad cause is changed or eliminated, our bad result can be changed and eliminated. Only in this way can we completely solve the difficulties and troubles we face in life.

Give a simple example to illustrate that most people have had this kind of self-seeking trouble experience. A sentence from others that is aimed at others rather than us, you can see or hear it and you can put it on yourself, restrain yourself, torture yourself and cause your own troubles, and therefore make yourself unhappy. At this time, the cause of this trouble lies in oneself rather than others. Therefore, it is yourself that should change. This kind of self-change requires some methods, but also some time and life experience. Many of the basic practices of Buddhism are taught in this area, allowing us to practice the power of meditation and the power of wisdom to avoid being trapped in this self-seeking trouble.

When we change or eliminate the part of the self-cause, we can face, change and eliminate the part of the other cause more rationally when we face the difficulties and troubles in our life caused by the part of the other cause. For example, we may face difficulties and troubles brought to us by relatives and friends every day. For example, if parents quarrel or divorce due to financial problems, if we are innocent children, we will be forced to face the dilemma and troubles caused by them. For an underage child, he may not have the ability to face and deal with such dilemmas and troubles, and adults must guide him and protect him. However, for an adult child, he may be more able to understand the plight and troubles of his parents, and he may also be able to assist his parents in solving their plight and troubles, and then help himself to solve such plights and troubles. The application of the method is flexible. As long as you understand and understand the part of the cause, you can help them solve the part of the result. This is the basic principle. The reason for each parent's quarrel is different, and there is no absolute method that applies uniformly. If you don't know and understand the part of this cause, anyone who helps solve the problem of parents' quarrels will only scratch their feet through their boots, and will not solve the fundamental problem anyway.

Therefore, to resolve other causes, we must still make good use of our own social experience, observation, analysis, understanding, and empathy, in order to truly solve the dilemmas and troubles brought to us by other factors. Without sensibly blaming others, it will not help us to solve any difficulties and troubles. We must understand this.

In short, how to get rid of one’s own life’s predicaments and worries is to understand the law of cause and effect, understand the operating principle of the law of cause and effect, and completely change the part of the effect from the cause. Difficulties and troubles in life are the manifestation of a kind of effect. When the cause is changed or eliminated, the effect will naturally be changed and eliminated. The principle is simple, but the method can be used flexibly.

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