June 28, 2018

Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving in Universal Door Chapter


Translator in the time of post-Qin, China (AD.344-413): Kumārajīva (Who translated the said Chapter from Sanskrit into Chinese.)

Translator in the modern time (A.D.2018): Tao Qing Hsu (Who translated the said Chapter from Chinese into English.)


At that time, Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning stood up from the seat, uncovered the right shoulder, closed the palms of the hand, faced the Buddha and said that “World Honored One! By which cause and condition is Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving called World-Sounds-Perceiving? ” The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning: "Good man! If there were infinite thousands-millions sentient beings afflicted by all kinds of troubles, they heard Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving and called its name single mindedly, Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving would immediately perceive their sounds and liberate all of them from the suffering. If there were people who recited the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, and to suppose that these people entered into a huge fire, the fire could not burn them. That is all because the Bodhisattva’s awesome spiritual power. If they were drifted away by the huge water, and they called its name, they would be in a shallow place.

If the hundred-trillions sentient beings entered into the sea in order to seek for gold, silver, glass, agate, coral, amber, pearl, and other treasures, and to suppose their ship was blown by the black wind and was floating in the ghost’s kingdom of Rakshasa, any one of them and even only one person who recited the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, those people would be all released from the affliction in the Rakshasa. Because of the aforesaid causes and conditions, it was named as World-Sounds-Perceiving."


"Furthermore, if people might be killed and they recited the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, the held knife would be badly broken into pieces, and then they would be liberated. If the three-thousand and large-thousand countries were full of Yaksha and Rakshasa, which wanted to annoy people and heard the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving recited by those people, the wicked ghosts could not stare at them with their evil eyes, let alone to harm them. To suppose there was a person, who was bound by handcuffs and shackles, as if in guilty or in innocence, recited and called out the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, those fetters would be broken and he would be liberated. If there were full of hatred thieves in the three-thousand and large-thousand countries, one merchant chief held heavy treasures from all merchants and went through dangerous roads. One of them said loudly: "All good men! Don't be terrified, you should call out the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving single mindedly. The Bodhisattva can give all sentient beings the fearlessness by fearlessness. If you recited and called out its name, you shall surely relieve from such hatred thieves. When all businessmen heard that, all cried out, “Na Mo Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving!” Then, they were immediately liberated because of reciting and calling its name out. “


"Endless-Meaning! The power of awesome spirituality of the Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving is as majestic and lofty as the said. If sentient beings had much more sexual desire, and then often recited and saluted the Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, they would thus depart from the lust. If they had much more hatred, and then often recited and saluted the Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, they would thus leave away the hatred. If they had much more stupidity and infatuation, and then often recited and saluted the Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, they would thus leave away the infatuation. Endless-Meaning! Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving had the power of great majestic spirituality such as these, and had much more mercy on all sentient beings so as to confer them benefit.  Therefore, sentient beings should often recite its name in mind.


If there were a woman who wanted a boy, politely worshiped Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving and offered something to it, she would have a boy who owned bliss and virtue; if she intended to have a girl, she would thus have a dignified-pretty girl who owned the virtue roots planted in the past life and was loved and respected by all people. Endless-Meaning! Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving has such power as these. If there were sentient beings to salute and politely worship Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, their planted-accumulated bliss would not be in vain. Therefore, all sentient beings should accept and recite the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving."


"Endless-Meaning! If there was someone who accepted and recited 62 billion Ganges sands’ name of Bodhisattva, and exhaustively offered them the food, clothing, bedding, and medicine, what do you think? Do the good man or the good woman has such much more merit and virtue or not?"


Endless-Meaning said: "A lot! World honored one!" The Buddha said: "If there was a person who accepted and recited the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, even politely worship and offering at one time, the bliss of the two people was exactly equal and no difference, and would be endless at one hundred billion myriads of eons. Endless-Meaning! To accept and recite the name of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving will have such benefit of immeasurable-boundless bliss and virtue."


Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning told the Buddha: "World honored one! How does Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving tour in this Saha World? How does it speak of the Buddha-law for all sentient beings? What happened when it uses the power of convenience?" The Buddha told Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning : "Good man! If there were sentient beings in a country should be saved by the form and body of Buddha, Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving would appear the form and body of Buddha and speak of the law of Buddha for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Pratyeka-Buddha, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Sravaka, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Brahma King, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Sakra, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Mahesvara, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of the great general of heaven, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Vaisravana, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of little king, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of the elderly, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Buddhist Layman, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Prime Minister, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Brahman, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Buddhist monk, Buddhist nun, Upasaka and Upasika, the Bodhisattva would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of woman which are the elderly or Buddhist Layman or Prime Minister or Brahman, the Bodhisattva would instantly transform and appear the said form and body of woman, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of little boy or little girl, the Bodhisattva would transform and appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human, the Bodhisattva would transform and appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Vajradhara, the Bodhisattva would transform and present the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them.   


"Endless-Meaning! The Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving accomplishes such merit and virtue, by various forms tours all countries and rescues the sentient beings. Therefore, you should thus offer something to Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving single mindedly. The Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving can give all sentient beings the fearlessness in the fear, crisis and difficulty. It is thus in this Saha world, all call it as the fearlessness-giver (It means that it gives all sentient beings the fearlessness.)."


Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning told the Buddha and said:”World Honored One! I should offer something to Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving now.” Then, from his neck, he untied all necklaces of jades and pearls and gold of worth more than thousand ounces, gave them to the Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving, and said:”The Benevolent! Please accept such giving of Buddha-law, the treasures, and necklaces of jades and pearls. At that time, Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving did not accept it. Endless-Meaning told Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving again and said:”The Benevolent! To pity us, please accept these necklaces of jade and pearls.” 


At the time, the Buddha told Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving: “ You should accept the necklaces of jades and pearls to pity Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning, the four congregations, and heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human.” In a timely manner, the Pusa World-Sounds-Perceiving accepted the necklaces of jades and pearls to pity all four congregations, the heaven, dragon, human resembling but not like human, and so on. It divided them into two parts. One part was provided to the Buddha Sakyamuni. The other part was provided to many-treasures-Buddha Stupa. “Endless-Meaning! The Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving owns the free-spirituality power as these, to tour the Saha World.”  


At the time, the Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning used verses to ask and say: 

World Honored One has the miraculous appearance.

I now ask him again.

The Buddhist disciple is by which cause and condition,

To be named as World-Sounds-Perceiving.


The Lord Buddha completely has the miraculous appearance,

To reply Endless-Meaning by verse.

You listen to the behavior of World-Sounds-Perceiving.

It skillfully responds to all places well.   


Its vast vows are deep like the sea,

Even throughout the times of eons, it is inconceivable.

It serves more than one hundred billion Buddha,

And makes the great and pure vows from the heart.


I tell you in a brief.

When you hear its name and see its form or body,

It shouldn't be missed in your heart and thought,

It can extinguish all the suffering.


If a thought was arisen to harm you 

And would push you into a pit of big fire,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

The pit of fire would turn into a pool.


Or, you drifted into a vast sea,

And you met the difficulties from dragons, fishes and all ghosts,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

The wave could not drown you.


Or, you were in the Sumeru,

And were pushed by others and falling,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

You would dwell on the sky like the sun.


Or, you were chased by the evil people,

And were falling into the Vajra Mountain,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

A single hair of you could not be damaged. 


Or, you were surrounded by the hatred thieves,

You might be hurt by each holding knife,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

All of them would have the heart of compassion immediately.


Or, you were encountering the suffering from the disaster of a King,

And you were facing the penalty and your life would be ended,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

Each knife would be badly broken into pieces.


Or, you were imprisoned with shackles,

Your hands and feet were cuffed,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

All are relieved and you would be liberated.


Or, there were the curse and all poisonous herbs,

Which wanted to harm your body.

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

All back to the self-evil person.


Or, you were facing the evil Raksha,

Poisonous dragon, all ghosts and so on,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

They would not dare to harm you. 


Or, you were surrounded by evil beasts,

And you were scared by their sharp teeth and claws,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

All beasts quickly run far away.


Or, there were the viper and poisonous insect,

The toxic gas and burned smoke.

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

They would follow their sounds and go back by self.


Or, there were cloud and thunder drumming to pull the lightning,

Falling hail and timely raining heavily,

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

All would dissipate in time.


Sentient beings are trapped by distresses.

Unlimited hardships oppress their bodies.

World-Sounds-Perceiving has the wondrous-wisdom power,

Which can rescue them from the worldly suffering.


It is full of the power of spiritual connecting,

And broadly practices the convenience of wisdom.

All countries of ten directions,

Without world which it could not appear.


The various evil-goings

Which are hell, ghosts and animals,

As well as the suffering of birth, aging, sickness and death,

All are eliminated gradually.


It is full of the true and clean perceiving,

The wide-wisdom perceiving,

The sympathetic and benevolent perceiving,

All sentient beings are frequently willing to look at it with reverence constantly.


Undefiled and clean light,

The wisdom sun breaks through all darkness,

Can subdue calamities of wind or fire,

And universally shine the world .


The precept by the compassionate body is like thunderstorms.

The benevolent mind is as miraculous as large clouds.

The honeydew of Buddha-law raining down in time is like rain.

Those extinguishes the flame of affliction.


You contested a lawsuit through the court.

You were terrified in the battlefield.

To think of those sounds-perceiving power,

All the hatred would retreat.


Wondrous sounds is World-Sounds-Perceiving,

As like the Sanskrit sounds and sea-tide sounds,

Which is beyond all worldly sounds,

We thus should recite it constantly. 


Recite it in each thought without doubt,

World-Sounds-Perceiving is the pure saint.

In the difficulties of suffering, trouble and death,

It can be depended and protect us. 


It has the all merit and virtue,

It looks at the sentient beings with benevolent eyes,

Its bliss is accumulated as if immeasurable sea,

Thus, we should salute it.


At the time, the Bodhisattva Land-Holding stood up from the seat and forward told Buddha: ”World Honored One! If any sentient beings heard the free behavior of Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving Chapter, and the wondrous-spirituality power manifested by the universal door, we shall know that this person has not less merit and virtue.” When the Buddha said the universal door chapter, the eight-four thousand sentient beings in the congregation vowed to have the supreme-equality-awaken-wisdom heart.  

Instruction and Explanation: 

1. Bodhisattva World-Sound-Perceiving  is shortly and generally called Guanyin in Chinese culture. 

2. Guanyin is Guanshiyin, which  is Chinese pronunciation. Guanshiyin means to perceive the world's sounds and is translated into World-Sound-Perceiving by Tao Qing Hsu in this blog.

3. World-Sound-Perceiving means to perceive the world's sounds. It is also means that Bodhisattva World-Sound-Perceiving to perceive the worldly suffering sounds and to rescue them from suffering. 

4.  In Sanskrit, Guanyin is Avalokitasvara. There are 32 incarnations of Guanyin. 32 is a rough number. This means that Guanyin can be transformed into various forms and bodies and not only 32 incarnations. Therefore, don't be bound by the image of Guanyin in Chinese culture or in Tibetan culture. 

5. Bodhisattva is Sanskrit pronunciation. Bodhisattva is also to be translated and transliterated into Busa or Pusa in Chinese. Pusa and Busa  is also used in this blog. 

6.  Buddha-law means Dharma.

7. Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning is a person who has realized and proved that the all meaning is endless in the nature of emptiness. That is why it is named as Endless-Meaning and become Bodhisattva. 

8.  Bodhisattva Land-Holding is a person who diligently paves the pothole land to be flat in the beginning and has thus realized and proved that the equality originally exists in everyone's mind of emptiness. That is why it is named as Land-Holding and become Bodhisattva. 

9.  Upasaka is Sanskrit. Upasaka means man who is not Buddhist monk but studies and listesn to the Buddha's teaching.  In other word, Upasaka can work and have a marriage in the worldly life. Upasaka can achieve the Buddhahood and become Buddha after practicing the Buddha-law and being enlightened. The image of Guanyin in Tibetan culture and in the earlier Chinese culture is Upasaka. In this Chapter, Bodhisattva Endless-Meaning and Bodhisattva Land-Holding is the image of Upasaka. 

10  Upasika is Sanskrit. Upasika means woman who is not Buddhist nun but studies and listens to the Buddha's teaching. In other word, Upasika can work and have a marriage in the worldly life. Upasika can achieve the Buddhahood and become Buddha after practicing the Buddha-law and being enlightened. The image of Guanyin in current Chinese culture is Upasika.  

11. Buddhist Layman is the general Buddhist disciple who studies and listens to the Buddha's teaching without departing from the family. 

12. Brahman, heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human are one of the images in Indian culture. 

13. Pratyeka-Buddha and Sravaka is Sanskrit. They have some foundations for their enlightenment in the Dharma, but they have not yet reached the Buddha's fruition.

14. Brahma King, Sakra, Mahesvara, the great general of heaven and Vaisravana is the beings in heaven in Buddhism. They have some special power in spirituality that is beyond the ability of humans. Meanwhile, they are good beings in heaven as well as in humans. Brahma, Sakra, Mahesvara and Vaisravana is Sanskrit. 

15. Sumeru is Sanskrit. Sumeru is a high mountain and located in the middle of the world in legend. 

16.  This Chapter is updated by Tao Qing Hsu on May 2, 2021.  

17. This Chapter with Chinese and English can be found in this blog. Bodhisattva World-Sounds-Perceiving in Universal Door Chapter (In Chinese and English)


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June 23, 2018

The god of benevolence and wisdom to liberate people from suffering (updated on 2019/07/16)

A Brief Talk about Pusa World-sounds-perceiving in Universally Door Chapter

Translator in the time of post-Qin, China (AD.344-413): Kumārajīva (Who translated the said Chapter from Sanskrit into Chinese.)

Translator in the modern time (A.D.2018): Tao Qing Hsu (Who translated the said Chapter from Chinese into English.)

 Teacher, speaker and writer for this Scripture: Tao Qing Hsu


It is talking about the heart of compassion and wisdom,
and by perceiving the worldly sounds which are in suffering,
and to apply the wisdom to help them.

This Chapter is recorded the talking of the Buddha Sakyamuni and his disciple, Pusa Endless-meaning, in 2500 years ago. Their history, surrounding, background and culture might be different with us. Especially, it is very different to what we have lived and what we have known now. However, the heart of kindness and compassion as mentioned is never changed.

That is why this chapter can spread through the ages and let people be moved and change their life. Extending its meaning in the modern time, it is still suitable for us.

“Pusa” is transliterated from Chinese words. It is shorten for “Bodhisattva”. You can call it as “Busa”. It means to awaken all sentient beings by its realization of the truth.

That is, when I become enlightened, I also think of ways
to enlighten every sentient being. One day, if you were awakened and realize the truth, you would have the ability to help others be enlightened, you thus were a Pusa, too. 

“Pusa” presents as respect to the person who could save others to liberate from the suffering in life and death. A title is given by people. It is like a title that we call someone as “doctor” or “professor”. In fact, there is no title or name in the Emptiness. Title or name is just for identification or for honor.

Each name of Pusa has its meaning in the Buddhist Scripture. For example, it mentions three Pusa in this Chapter. One is Pusa Endless-meaning. It could be also called endless-meaning Pusa. It means that the Pusa realize that any things or any words have endless meaning. It also means that the Pusa has understood the meaning of Emptiness, because, in the body of Emptiness, it has the endless meaning, and the meaning of any things or any words can be extended infinitely. 

The other is Pusa World-sounds-perceiving. Now there is a Pusa whose name is World-sounds-perceiving. It could be also called world-sounds-perceiving Pusa. Why the Pusa names World-sounds-perceiving is one of the key points in this universally door Chapter. In a brief, it means that Pusa perceives the sounds which are suffering in life and death in the world.

Another is Pusa Flatland-holding. It is mentioned in the last paragraph. Why it is called Flatland-holding? In a word, by filling and holding the land to be flat, it realized that there is the peace and true equality in its heart, and so as in everyone’s heart.

The second key point is “universally door”, which means a broad and harmonious law door of universally assimilating and assisting all sentient beings to be rescued from all worldly suffering.

I prefer to use “it” to mention the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving in this article. Pusa World-sounds-perceiving has no form or no body. In fact, it is produced from the body of Emptiness, which is boundless or limitless. That is why it can transform to be as any form or any body in any time. It is indeed incredible and really beyond our knowledge, understanding and experience. In the ancient time, or during the time of Buddha Sakyamuni, or in Tibetan, or in the early times of China, Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is the form as male. However, in the present times, in Chine or Taiwan, Pusa World-sounds-perceiving mostly is the form as female. However, these forms are mostly linked with the preference of human.

Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is Pusa Self-ease-perceiving, who is mentioned in the article of “A Brief Talk about The Scripture of The Supreme-Wisdom Heart”. Both of them are one, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, in Sanskrit. The two names are translated from Sanskrit into Chinese. Using the different name could correspond to the meaning of the article. Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is generally called Guanyin in China and Taiwan.

We notice that there is the sequence. In The Scripture of The Supreme-Wisdom Heart, the Pusa is deeply practicing the supreme wisdom, reflects and views its Five Aggregates are all empty, and is thus free from all suffering. From the said article, we notice that it has liberated from the worldly suffering and attain the supreme wisdom. It helps us to understand the following-mentioned chapter. From the said article, we now realize why Pusa World-sounds-perceiving has the wondrous power to assimilate and assist people who are in the worldly suffering. We know that only we had liberated from our suffering and attained the supreme wisdom so that we could have the ability to help others liberate from their suffering.      

The “Pusa World-sounds-perceiving in Universally Door Chapter” is the twenty-fifth Chapter of Wondrous-law-lotus Scripture. You can find the whole chapter and article in my blog. I translate it from Chinese into English and show the meaning so that we can understand it easier. The Chinese version of Wondrous-law-lotus Scripture is translated from Sanskrit into Chinese. It is called as "Sad-dharma Puṇḍárīka Sūtra" in Sanskrit.   

The content

At that time, Pusa Endless-meaning stood up from the seat, uncovered the right shoulder, closed the palms of the hand, faced the Buddha and said that “World Honored One! By which cause and condition is Pusa World-sounds-perceiving called World-sounds-perceiving? ” The Buddha told the Pusa Endless-meaning: "Good man! If there were infinite thousands-millions sentient beings afflicted by all kinds of troubles, when they heard Pusa World-sounds-perceiving and called its name single-mindedly, Pusa World-sounds-perceiving would immediately perceive the sounds and liberate all of them from the suffering. if people recited and hold a name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, supposing they entered into a fire, they could not be burned, that is all because the Pusa’s awesome spiritual power; if they were drifting away from the water, they called the name, and they would be in a shallow place. If the hundred-trillions sentient beings entered into the sea in order to seek for gold, silver, glass, agate, coral, amber, pearl, and other treasures, and supposing their ship was blown by the black wind and was floating in the ghost’s kingdom of Raksasa, any one of them and even only one person who recited the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, those people would be all released from the affliction in the Raksasa. Because of the aforesaid causes and conditions, it was called World-sounds-perceiving."

“If there were infinite thousands-millions sentient beings afflicted by all kinds of troubles, when they heard Pusa World-sounds-perceiving and called its name single-mindedly, Pusa World-sounds-perceiving would immediately perceive the sounds and liberate all of them from the suffering.”

When I was an 18-years-old girl, there were a lot of troubles in my mind. One day I had heard a song which sings “Na Mo Pusa World-sounds-perceiving” in Chinese. I was so moved by this song and almost dropped tears. In that time, I had not yet known it too much. If you had realized this article, or were moved by it, or were interested in the content, you could create a song in your language, or create any art work.

In a brief, there are two benefits in calling its name single-mindedly. That is about the benefits in life and death. Regarding the benefit in life, it is mentioned a lot in this chapter. However, regarding the benefit in death, it is mentioned not so much.   

It is mostly mentioned how to liberate from the dangerous difficulty in the edge of death. That also means it has the function to extend the life by reciting its name. Furthermore, if people were heavy sick, however, had not yet destined to die, their disease would be relieved by reciting the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, and their life would be extend. Why? It is science. When we correspond to the heart of kindness, compassion and wisdom of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, we would have a still and peaceful mind. That would help us to relieve the suffering in the disease.

However, I especially mention one thing that is about the death. If people had destined to die, it would also help them to relieve the suffering in death, and help their original soul to leave their death body peacefully. Why? It is the said science as above mentioned. But, how could it be possible for the death people to have the ability to recite the name? Yes, it is impossible. We know that the people's hearing feeling has not yet been disappeared when they were just dying. Beside the death people, the live people could recite the name "Pusa World-sounds-perceiving" for the death people.   

"Furthermore, if people might be killed, they recited the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, the held knife would be badly broken into pieces, and then they would be liberated. If the three-thousand and large-thousand countries were full of Yasha and Raksasa, which wanted to annoy people, those people heard the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, the wicked ghosts could not stare at those people by the evil eyes, let alone harm them. Supposing a person, who was bound by handcuffs and shackles, if in guilty or innocence, recited and called out the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, those fetters would be broken and he would be liberated. If the three-thousand and large-thousand countries were full of hatred thieves, one merchant chief held heavy treasures from all merchants and went through dangerous roads. One of them sings: "All good men! Don't be terrified, you should call out the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving single-mindedly. The Pusa can give all sentient beings the fearlessness. If you recited and called out its name, you shall surely relieve from such hatred thieves. When all businessmen heard that, all cried out, “Na Mo Pusa World-sounds-perceiving!” Then, they were immediately liberated because of reciting and calling its name out. “

“Na Mo” means depending-on and returning-to three treasures. The three treasures mean Buddha, Buddha-law, and the Buddha-learner who has been attained the Buddhahood. The third treasure is mostly mentioned the Buddhist monk. I explain it broadly for the Buddha-learner, because I am Buddhist, but not Buddhist nun. As the mentioned above, there are the endless meaning in the Emptiness. Therefore, it is impossible to only mention that only the Buddhist monk can be the third treasure.

In fact, the Pusa include the Buddhist who is not Buddhist monk and nun. So, such Pusa, that is, such person, absolutely has the qualified to be the third treasure. The third treasure, Buddha-learner, is defined, they have enlightened and liberated from their suffering, can speak of the Buddha-law for others and help them to liberate from the worldly suffering. In the following content of this chapter, we can find it and prove what I said. 

"Endless-meaning! The power of awesome spirituality of the Bodhisattva World-sounds-perceiving is as majestic and lofty as the said. If sentient beings had much sexual desire, and then consistently recited and respected the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would thus depart from the sexual desire and lust. If they had much hatred, and then consistently recited and respected the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would thus leave away the hatred. If they had much stupidity and infatuation, and then consistently recited and respected the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would thus leave away the infatuation and stupidity. Endless-meaning! Pusa World-sounds-perceiving had a great power such as these, and had mercy on and conferred all sentient beings the much benefit.  Therefore, sentient beings should often recite its name in mind.

There are three states like poisons which could harm our physical and mental bodies. That is greed, resentment and hatred, infatuation and stupidity. If people possesses any one or all of them, they would also harm others physical and mental bodies.

The tragedies in the reports about the societies, that we can observe and see, are all due to the said three poisons. Furthermore, a lot of diseases are caused by the said three poisons, too. 

If we thought and contemplated in silence, we could find two possibilities. One is that we find and perceive the greed, resentment and hatred or infatuation and stupidity of others. The other is that we find and perceive the said three poisons in our inside. The most badly situation is that people do not know that they have such poisons inside and always think of what they have done is right, even to bully or harm others. The second badly situation is that people do not realize that others people have such poisons inside. For some reason, they still be convinced and follow these people’s evil intention.

By the observation, some sentient beings have much more sexual desires. It also means that they have much more greed. The Buddha said:” Desires are the root of suffering.” It means that the greed is the desire, the desire is the greed. Why? Because those ordinary people only think of themselves, selfish people are pleased through their desires or greed. The outcome would bring the suffering or affliction or troubles, for themselves or for others. However, they do not have such self-perception.

But, I have to tell you the truth that “Desires are the root of suffering” is only one of the endless meanings. Why? The Buddha also said: ”There is no desires. There is no greed.” Of course, the root of suffering is thus not existent. Then, where you can find the suffering? Why? To read my article of A Brief Talk about The Scripture of The Supreme-Wisdom Heart, you might understand it.

However, I also have to tell you another truth that there is unreal desires and greed. Why? When you are awakened, you might understand it. I tell you in a brief. The desires and greed would be transformed to be as application which is used to help others be rescued from the worldly suffering. But, who has the ability to do that? Only Pusa and Buddha have the ability to do that, because they indeed have no desires and greed inside.

Regarding the above said, the point is to perceive that we or other people are in which stage now. Are we or other people in the stage of selfishness, or having been awakened, or having attained the supreme wisdom? There would be a lot of difference for the meaning of desires.

So, for the most people who have not yet being awakened, they might have much more sexual desire and might have the affliction or troubles caused by this. For them, the desires, the greed, and any suffering, affliction or troubles are surely existent. If they were willing to recite the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would thus have less such sexual desire and lust. It also means they would have less affliction or troubles.  

In the world, there is a lot of people who have being bullied or harmed by others, especially the girls in family, or women in society, or the employee, or the boy or the male in the group of men. They might be weak, and have the heart of hatred caused as these. They might thus harm themselves, like suicide, or might harm others, like to attack or to kill others, due to the heart of hatred.

Furthermore, most people have the enormous ego, especially the male. Usually, they have a lot of hatred in mind, when others people do not follow their intention. They might thus attack, bully, and harm others people. We know that their power of destruction and harmfulness is very strong, especially, when they own the authority in family, or in company, or in society, or in country. Such people usually might not have any religious belief. But, it does not mean that they do not have any belief. Or they have some extreme religious belief or extreme belief. Mostly, they might have the worldly intelligence, however, honestly speaking, they are lack of wisdom and compassion. The disaster is thus arisen, and the suffering of the world is caused. We can observe that from the society and the history.

“If people had much hatred, and then consistently recited and respected the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would thus leave away the hatred.” As we know, the sound is also an energy which can heal our physical and mental body. Through the sound or mind of reciting the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, we would perceive and might correspond to the compassion and wisdom of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving. There is one science principle, that is, the resonance in frequency of sounds.

If we had the compassion and wisdom of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, we would not bully or harm others people or any animals, and we would not harm ourselves. We should also have the compassion and wisdom for ourselves, not just for others.

In the relationship between the brothers and sisters, or the husband and wife, or the parents and children, or human and animals, there would be the feeling of hatred to each other for some little things. It would be caused by two reasons. One is the stupidity and infatuation for human. The other is the stupidity and infatuation for things. The stupidity and infatuation is the causes. The results of disaster, trouble, or affliction are thus caused. The stupidity and infatuation is coming from the desires without knowledge and wisdom, and from ignorance. In summary, they are lack of wisdom.

If they had much stupidity and infatuation, and then consistently recited and respected the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would thus leave away the infatuation.

The Buddha said: ” All is like a dream. What we have seen is unreal. ” Those infatuations are some kind of delusion. The final state would be into the Emptiness. Keeping the awakening, we should face the all of the human or the things by the way of wisdom at each moment. Reciting:”Na Mo Pusa World-sounds-perceiving” in our mind, it would help us to attain the wisdom, and to avoid any harmfulness caused by stupidity or infatuation of others or ourselves. Why? It is some kind of the science principle. When we recite the name of Na Mo Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, our mind is focused on the name, and we would not think of other things. Secondly, due to understanding the meaning of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, there is the corresponding-meaning in our mind, we would keep the meaning in our mind constantly, and that would affect our thought and our behavior. That is why we would gradually and naturally leave away the stupidity and infatuation by reciting the name.    
If there were a woman who wanted a boy, worshiped Pusa World-sounds-perceiving and offered something to it, she would have a boy held bliss and virtue(fortune and wisdom); if she intended to have a girl, she would thus have a dignified-pretty girl who owned the virtuous roots planted in the past life and were regarded by all people. Endless-meaning! Pusa World-sounds-perceiving has such power as these. If there were sentient beings, who respected and worshiped Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, their planted-accumulated bliss would not be in vain. Therefore, all sentient beings should recite and hold the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving."

Regarding the offering something to Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, it has many meanings. It could be introduced as an article. In a brief, sincere heart is the best offering to worship Pusa World-sounds-perceiving.

Some people felt unsafe or empty if they had no children. For some reason, like the pressure at work, if they did not have children, they would feel anxiety, or feel imperfect in life. There is a way to ask for having a boy or a girl as said. If you believed it and had such requirement, you might try it. There is a saying:” With the sincere faith, the wish will be efficacious.” From this, we can feel the kindness and compassion from the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving.

If there were sentient beings, who respected and worshiped Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, their planted-accumulated bliss would not be in vain. Therefore, all sentient beings should recite and hold the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving.

Imaging that there is a farm or land, if we sowed seeds on the ground, which is the cause, then, with the sun and water and so on, which is the condition, the plant would grow up, bloom and bear fruit, which is the result or effect, we describe such farm as the farm of bliss. If we sowed the good cause (seed), we would have the good result (fruit), such as the success in wealth, health, career, study, marriage and so on. We call that is the planted-accumulated bliss. So now, it means that reciting, respecting and worshiping Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is the good cause, which is like seeds being planted in the farm of bliss. That is the planted bliss. When all of good results would be occurred and accumulated, that would be the accumulated bliss. So, we call that is the planted-accumulated bliss. Such bliss is through the effort by oneself, so it is never be wasted or disappeared.        

"Endless-meaning! If there was someone who recited and held the name of Pusa in the number of 62 billion Ganges sands, and exhaustively offered them the food, clothing, bedding, and medicine, what do you think? Do the good man or the good women have such much merit and virtue or not?"
Endless-meaning said: "Many! World honored one!" The Buddha said: "If there was a person who recited and accepted the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, even a worship and offering at one time, the bliss of the two people was exactly equal, no different, and would be endless at the one hundred billion myriads of eons. Endless-meaning! To recite and hold the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving will have such benefit of immeasurable-boundless bliss and virtue."

In practicing Buddha-law, some people recite this Pusa World-sounds-perceiving in Universally Door Chapter as daily work at home. They might recite this chapter for themselves, or for their family, or for their friends. Through this practicing, we can pray Pusa World-sounds-perceiving to confer us the kindness, compassion and wisdom. We also can pray Pusa World-sounds-perceiving to bless our lovely member of family, or friends, to hope they would feel peaceful and be safe. Such planted-accumulated bliss would not be in vain. The benefit of such bliss and virtue is immeasurable.

Endless-meaning told the Buddha: "World honored one! How does Pusa World-sounds-perceiving tour this Saha World? How does it speak of the Buddha-law for all sentient beings? What does it use the power of convenience?" The Buddha told Pusa Endless-meaning : "Good man! If sentient beings in any country should be saved by the form and body of Buddha, Pusa World-sounds-perceiving would appear the form and body of Buddha and speak of the law of Buddha for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Pratyeka-Buddha, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Sravaka, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Brahma King, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Sakra, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Mahesvara, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of the great general of heaven, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Vaisravana, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of little king, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of the elderly, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Buddhist Lay, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Prime Minister, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Brahman, Pusa would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Buddhist monk, Buddhist nun, Upasaka and Upasika, it would appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of woman which are the elderly or Buddhist Lay or Prime Minister or Brahman, it would instantly transform and appear the said form and body of woman, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of little boy or little girl, it would transform and appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human, it would transform and appear the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them. If they should be rescued by the form and body of Vajradhara, it would transform and present the said form and body, and speak of the Buddha-law for them.   

In a word, it is talking about that Pusa World-sounds-perceiving has various incarnations to help people liberate from any suffering, affliction or troubles, and to speak of the Buddha-law for them to help them liberate from the worldly suffering and go into the path of Buddha. Of course, it is not bound to the incarnation as said. In the endless meaning, we can extend it broadly. Therefore, the number and identity of incarnation from Pusa World-sounds-perceiving are boundless. For example, is it possible to appear a form and body of an “evil person”? I tell you, it is possible. It is not to scare the good person. It is to scare the evil person, to deal with the evil person.  

Upasaka is Sanskrit. It means the male of Buddha-learner, and Buddhist non-monk.  Upasika is Sanskrit, too. It means the female of Buddha-learner, and Buddhist non-nun. They also could be enlightened and become the Buddha or Pusa by practicing the Buddha-law. Furthermore, they could have the Buddhist disciples and teach them the Buddha-law.

There were some words of the content is Sanskrit. Those concepts or forms are coming from the culture of India. What we just know these is enough now. That is not our culture. Pusa World-sounds-perceiving can transform to any form or body. It might be god what you have known, or angel, or your friends, too.  

What is Buddha-law? It is the all which can be used to enlighten human beings and to help them liberate from suffering in life and death.  Buddha-law is very wide and universal. It is even beyond our knowledge, thought, cognition and experience.

"Endless-meaning! The Pusa World-sounds-perceiving accomplishes such merit and virtue, by various forms tours all countries and rescues the sentient beings. Therefore, you should thus offer something to Pusa World-Sounds-Perceiving single mindedly. The Pusa World-Sounds-Perceiving can give all sentient beings the fearlessness in the fear, crisis and difficulty. It is thus in this Saha world all call it as the fearlessness-giver (It means that it gives all sentient beings the fearlessness.)."

The Saha world is the world which we live. It refers to the earth. In the universe, there are a lot of worlds which live various sentient beings. The Saha world is only one of them. That is often mentioned in the Buddhist Scripture.

What it has done is not its work, but its tour. Pusa World-sounds-perceiving tours in this Saha world like playing. If you had noticed it, you would find it is very interesting. That is because its heart and attribute are infinity.

The Buddha concludes that Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is a fearlessness-giver, due to that it gives all sentient beings the fearlessness.

We might have a question, why Pusa World-sounds-perceiving has the ability to give all sentient beings the fearlessness?

We have mentioned that Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is Pusa Self-ease-perceiving. In the article of The Scripture of The Supreme-Wisdom Heart, it talks about why there is no fear in the heart of Pusa Self-ease-perceiving. As we know, only when we have no fear, so that we can give people no-fear.

There is a very important concept. That is there is no relativity in the body of Emptiness. All Buddha and All Pusa are enlightened into the body of Emptiness. That also means that they have already got rid of the concept of relativity, or of opposite concept. So, in their mind, all sentient beings, including you and me, are no different with them. Then, we might have one question. Do you think that any Buddha or Pusa would punish us?  

As we know, If someone said that they want to punish us or to kill us, due to we do not follow their intention or they think of what we have done is wrong, we might feel very terrified and anxiety.

Do you think that the body of Emptiness could punish or kill the body of Emptiness? Then, we will realize that all Buddha and all Pusa never do such stupid things. Why? As above mentioned, in the mind of all Buddha and all Pusa, they know that the nature or quality of all sentient beings are Emptiness, and all sentient beings are the future Buddha, who have just not yet being enlightened now.     

So, all Buddha and Pusa have no fear in their heart. They would never harm the all sentient beings, no matter in physical or in mental body. What they do is to enlighten them and to help them get rid of the fear and to help them do the right and good thing.

That is why Pusa World-sounds-perceiving is the fearlessness-giver who gives all sentient beings the fearlessness.

When we understand the nature and quality of one Pusa, we will understand the nature of the all Pusa.

Endless-meaning told the Buddha and said:”World Honored One! I should offer something to Pusa World-sounds-perceiving now.” Then, from his neck, he untied all necklaces of jades and pearls and gold of worth more than thousand ounces, gave them to the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, and said:”The Benevolent! Please accept such giving of Buddha-law, the treasures, and necklaces of jades and pearls. At that time, Pusa World-sounds-perceiving did not accept it. Endless-meaning told Pusa World-sounds-perceiving again and said:”The Benevolent! To pity us, please accept these necklaces of jade and pearls.” 

At the time, the Buddha told Pusa World-sounds-perceiving: “ You should accept the necklaces of jades and pearls to pity Pusa Endless-meaning, the four congregations, and heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human.” In a timely manner, the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving accepted the necklaces of jades and pearls to pity all four congregations, the heaven, dragon, human resembling but not like human, and so on. It divided them into two parts. One part was provided to the Buddha Sakyamuni. The other part was provided to many-treasures-Buddha Stupa. “Endless-meaning! The Pusa World-sounds-perceiving owns the free-spirituality power as these, to tour the Saha World.”   

The four congregations, and heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human, are the audience who listen to the talking of the Buddha Sakyamuni and Pusa Endless-meaning.

The four congregations mean the Buddhists which include the monk, the nun, the non-monk, and the non-nun.

The heaven or dragon or Yaksha or Gandharva or Asura or Garuda or Rahula or Kinnara or human resembling but not like human, are the supporters who support the Buddha Sakyamuni and all Buddha-law. In the body of Emptiness, there is no enemy, even the devil, it would be assimilated by the Buddha Sakaymuni and become the supporter to support the Buddha Sakyamuni and all Buddha-law. From this chapter as mentioned above, we have known that they would be the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, because Pusa World-sounds-perceiving would appear in their form or body. Do you think there would be the devil in the Emptiness? In Buddhism, it thinks that all devils are created by self-mind.

We might have a question, why the other part was provided to the many-treasures-Buddha Stupa. There is a Buddha whose name is Many-treasures. The Buddha Many-treasures had made a vow that if there were any Buddha who speaks of the wondrous-law-lotus Scripture, it would appear and prove of what this Buddha had said. If there were no Buddha to speak of the said Scripture, it would enter into Nirvana. It also means that the Buddha Many-treasures would not appear.

Due to The Buddha Sakyamuni was speaking of the wondrous-law-lotus Scripture, and it is the very special. The Buddha Many-treasures appeared and approved of what the Buddha Sakyamuni had said. So, there are two Buddha, that is why the other part is provided to the Buddha named Many-treasures.

“The Pusa World-sounds-perceiving owns the free-spirituality power as these, to tour the Saha World.” It is amazing! Dosen’t it? The free-spirituality power is arisen from the Emptiness. Only in the Emptiness, there is the possibility to produce the free-spirituality power. That is also the nature wisdom. Most people do not have such power, because they have fear in mind and not yet attain the supreme wisdom.

At the time, the Pusa Endless-meaning used verses to ask and say:

World Honored One has the miraculous appearance.
I now ask him again.
The Buddhist disciple is by which cause and condition,
To be named as World-sounds-perceiving.

Completely having the miraculous appearance,
The honored One replies Endless-meaning by verse.
You listen to the behavior of World-sounds-perceiving.
It skillfully responds to all places.   

Its vast vows deep like the sea,
Even throughout the times of eons, it is inconceivable.
Serving more than one hundred billion Buddha,
Great and pure vows are made.

I tell you in a brief.
When hearing its name and seeing its form or body,
Mindful of its name unceasingly,
It can extinguish all the suffering.

If a thought was arisen to harm people 
And want to push them into a pit of big fire,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
The pit of fire would turn into a pool.

Or drifting into a vast sea,
Meeting the difficulties from dragons, fishes and all ghosts,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
The wave could not drown them.

Or being in the Sumeru,
Being pushed by others and falling,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
He would dwell on the sky like the sun.

Or being chased by the evil people,
Falling into the Vajra Mountain,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
A single hair could not be damaged. 

Or being surrounded by the hatred thieves,
Might being hurt by each holding knife,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
All of them would have the heart of compassion.

Or encountering the suffering from the trouble of a King,
Facing the penalty and the life being ended,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
Each knife would be badly broken into pieces.

Or being imprisoned and with shackles,
Hands and feet being cuffed,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
All are relieved and would be liberated.

Or might be harmed by the curse and all poisonous herbs,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
All back to the self-evil person.

Or facing the evil Raksha,
Poisonous dragon, all ghosts and so on,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
They would not dare to harm you. 

Or being surrounded by evil beasts,
Being scared by their sharp teeth and claws,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
All beasts quickly run far away.

Or there were the viper and poisonous insect,
The toxic gas and burned smoke.
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
They would follow the sounds and go back.

Or cloud and thunder drumming to pull the lightning,
Falling hail and timely raining heavily,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
All would dissipate in time.

Sentient beings are trapped by distresses.
Unlimited hardships oppress their bodies.
World-Sounds-Perceiving has the wondrous-wisdom power.
That can rescue them from the worldly suffering.

It is full of the power of remarkable ability,
Broadly practices the convenience of wisdom.
All countries in any where,
There is no place that it does not appear.

The various evil-goings,
Those are hells, ghosts and animals,
And the suffering of birth, aging, sickness and death,
All are eliminated gradually.
It is full of the true perceiving,
The clean perceiving,
The wide-wisdom perceiving,
The sympathetic perceiving,
And the benevolent perceiving,  
All sentient beings are willing to show their reverence for it constantly.

Undefiled and clean light,
Like the wisdom sun, 
That breaks through all darkness,
Can subdue calamities of wind or fire,
And brightly shine the world universally.

The precept by the compassionate body is like thunderstorms.
The benevolent mind is as miraculous as large clouds.
The honeydew of Buddha-law raining down in time is like rain.
That extinguishes the flame of affliction.

Having the fighting and lawsuit through the court,
Being terrified in the battlefield,
To think of those sounds-perceiving power,
All the hatred would retreat.

Wondrous sounds is World-Sounds-Perceiving,
As like the Sanskrit sounds and sea-tide sounds,
Being beyond all worldly sounds,
We thus should recite it constantly. 

Reciting it again and again and do not doubt it,
World-Sounds-Perceiving is the pure saint.
In the difficulties of suffering, trouble and death,
It can be depended and protect us. 
Having the all merit and virtue,
Looking at the sentient beings with benevolent eyes,
The accumulated bliss immeasurably like sea,
We thus should make obeisance to it.

The various evil-goings usually mean the path of the hells, the path of ghosts, and the path of the animals. If people had done the evil things, it meant that they would go into the path of evil, and would reborn and dwelled on the evil path of the hells, the ghosts, or the animals. Such evil places or spaces are arisen by what their mind is, and also are caused by what they had done. They would be in suffering there and that is their retribution. Even though this, if they had a thought to think of the name of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, they would leave away such evil path immediately. It also means that the evil path arisen from their mind would be disappeared at the same time.   

At the time, the Pusa Flatland-holding stood up from the seat and forward told Buddha: ”World Honored One! If any sentient beings heard the free behavior of Pusa World-sounds-perceiving Chapter, which manifested the wondrous-spirituality power by the universally door way, we shall know that this person has not less merit and virtue.” When the Buddha said the universally door chapter, the eight-four thousand sentient beings in the congregation vowed to have the supreme-equality-awaken-wisdom heart.  

Some people have the question, if all was emptiness, what could I do if I was enlightened into the body of Emptiness? You see, the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving has done so many things.  

In a word, The Scripture of The Supreme-Wisdom Heart is talked about the Emptiness. However, this chapter is talked about non Emptiness. The non Emptiness is coming from the Emptiness. The Emptiness is non-Emptiness. The supreme wisdom is arisen from the Emptiness. The convenient application of supreme wisdom could accumulate the bliss, which is like the deep sea and is immeasurable. That is why this chapter is non Emptiness. 

The Pusa Self-ease-perceiving and the Pusa World-sounds-perceiving, both of them are one. It is not else somebody. If we have been enlightened and corresponded to its meaning, and have such supreme wisdom, compassion and behavior, we are as the same as them. There is no difference.

I wish all sentient beings have the supreme-equality-awaken-wisdom heart.      

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