February 23, 2020

To self close the path of self-wealth is the result of self-injustice.

Writer: Tao Qing Hsu

There is a Chinese saying, ”There is the justice in the heaven and land. ” Since the ancient time of China, no matter the emperor or the citizen, once they can obey the justice of heaven and land to treat people, they believe that the god of heaven and land would not bring disaster to them. But, if they cannot obey the justice of heaven and land, it is impossible for them to avoid any disaster and punishment from the god of heaven and land.

Therefore, most people believe that, when we do the good thing, we will get the good repay from the heaven and land. However, if we do the evil thing, we will have the evil retribution. Even the nobility, the emperor, the officer, the boss and the businessman, they don’t dare to bully people. Once they own the evil heart to bully people, it is also the time to close their wealth, even to close their life.

The most Chinese people respect the heaven and land. That is because they believe that the gods of heaven and land represent the sentient beings. Meanwhile, the Chinese traditional virtue is the mercifulness. The Chinese people also believe that the gods of heaven and land are unified with human beings. Therefore, to respect the heaven and land is to respect the sentient beings. It is also meant to respect self. Such virtue is corresponding to the Buddhism. That is also one of the reasons that Buddhism can be developed well in the history of China.

Some people complain that why the god treats them unfairly or why they cannot get rid of the poverty. If we observe these people carefully, we can find that there is the self-injustice existed in their heart. Even though they use a lot of methods or words to cover it, or they decorate any phenomenon happened by the self-injustice, what they have done by self-injustice existed in their heart still can't escape heaven's eyes. To close the path of wealth is not from the god, but from the self. That is, to close the path of self-wealth is the result of self-injustice. We should be alert to this.

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