February 18, 2023

The "voice" from the void in Buddhism


Author: Tao Qing Hsu (Hsu, Tao-qing)


About the knowledge in astronomy, physics and science, I am lack of such knowledge. So, I can not explain the Buddhism by this realm. However, I can mention a little thing that still can not be researched or proved by science.


In Buddhism, the communication by mind to mind is generally mentioned in the Buddhist scripture. For example, a Bodhisattva might heard “sound ” from the air, from the emptiness, from the sky.


Such sound is not a meaningless voice. On the contrary, it is a meaningful guides, instruction, teaching or explaining. It comes from a sense mind, but seems without concrete body. And such sound could be identified clearly by our mind and it could be questioned or thought by us. Furthermore, we can “talk” with them by our mind. Such ability exists in everyone, but, only few people could experience it and understand its existence. According to my practical experience, it is truly no concern about any religion and it is also not any miracle.   


If a psychologist or a psychological doctor has no practical experience in Buddhism, they will treat it as a schizophrenic or a psychology disorder. The gods not necessarily talk with everyone, such as we are not talking to everyone. That is the same. Sometimes, we even do not talk with the stupid people. We think it wastes our time. So, do you think the God would talk with the stupid people? Not necessarily, right?


We, human beings, would talk to someone who we choose. Sometimes, it is existed some purpose in our mind. The Buddha, Bodhisattva, God, and gods are the same with us at this point. It is very interesting.


So, we might have one question, why we can “talk” with the Buddha, Bodhisattva, God, and gods by mind to mind? Or why they can “talk” with us by mind to mind? What? You never have such experience, let alone to think about this question.  


On Youtube, we can find many such video to discuss such object or theme about the talking by mind to mind. So, I have found that it is not a secret. Even the aliens also have such ability. In modern science, the scientists have invented a chip which could be planted in our head so we can “talk” with others by mind and without true voice. But, actually we do not need such chip because we already have such natural ability. I can not explain its principle to you because the shortage of my scientific knowledge.

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